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10 months later.


"We need to take Mika to the vet." Jungkook ran in with my cat in his palms.

"Why? Is she okay?" I sat up and threw my laptop to the side.

"She keeps stopping breathing. We need to go." He grabbed a blanket to wrap her up. I nodded and took his car keys.

We drove as quick as we could down to the local vets surgery.

4 hours later.

I was sat in the waiting room on FaceTime to Namjoon. I know how much he loved Mika.

"Do you want me to come down? I'll wait with Jungkook if you're tired."

"No." I sighed. "It's okay.. she's been in there for 4 hours. I don't know what's wrong with her. Jungkook is in the room with her and he looks sad.."

"Well, I'm sure she is okay. I hope everything goes well! fighting!!" He smiled. I smiled sadly back and ended the call. Jungkook walked out and rubbed his face.

"How is she?" I asked and sat up. He shook his head sadly smiled.

"They are recommend putting her to sleep. Her breathing is strained and her blood circulation is starting to stop. I think we should just get it done." He bit his lip.

I looked down and nodded.

"How do you think Yoshi will react when she doesn't come back." I muttered. Jungkook shrugged and wiped my tears.

"Do you want to see her one more time?" He asked. I stood up and shook my head.

"No, i dont want to see her in that condition. I want happy memories not memories of her dying."

He nodded and wrapped his arms around my waist. We hugged each other for a while before I walked out to the car. I folded Mika's blankets with her collar on the top, staring down at it remembering when I first got her.

"come on, baby. let's get to sleep." jungkook gently took my hand and the blankets off me. he guided my up to bed and let me change before tucking me in. Yoshi hopped onto the bed beside me and cuddled into my stomach. 

Jungkook sat beside me and gently stroked my forehead. I shifted and got comfortable before drifting off into a sleep.

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