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i woke up and realised that today was the day Lisa and Taehyung wanted to tell me something. i woke Jungkook up and we got ready to go to the cafe they wanted to meet at.

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i walked to the kitchen and saw Jungkook slumped on the counter

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i walked to the kitchen and saw Jungkook slumped on the counter.

"whats up?" i walked over and placed a hand on his bare back.

"i'm worried about what they want to tell us..." he looked towards me.

"im sure its fine! go get ready or we'll be late!" i pushed him towards the stairs. he pouted and walked backwards.

"you ready?" i stood from the sofa

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"you ready?" i stood from the sofa. he hummed and hugged me. i nodded and removed his hands from my butt to grab my car keys. we walked to the car and Jungkook started to drive.

after we arrived at the cafè, we got out and saw the two sat, giggling with each other.

"hey!" i greeted and sat down.

"hi! we bought you guys coffee." lisa handed us two mugs.

"thanks lis." i grinned and cupped my hands around the white mug. "what did you guys need to tell us."

they looked at each other with huge grins before Lisa raised her left hand.

sat on her ring finger was a gorgeous silver engagement ring.

i screamed and grabbed her hand.

"OMG OMG YOU'RE GETTING MARRIEED!" i yelled and ran around the table to hug them both.

"treat her right, brother" i warned Taehyung and squeezed him tight.

"Congrats! I'm so happy for the both of you!" Jungkook grinned and Bro hugged Tae. I held Lisa's hand and gazed at the ring.

"This is so beautiful. You're so lucky you're getting married.. you're going to have a gorgeous wedding!" I pouted and dropped her hand.

"Well... I wanted to ask if you could be my bridesmaid." She asked and pulled me into a hug.

"Of course." I smiled and we cuddled each other for a bit while the boys spoke about something at a different table.

"I wonder what they are gossiping about.." Lisa muttered into my ear.

"I dunno. Probably jimins new girlfriend." I shrugged and drank my coffee.

"Another? Wasn't he just with Amira?"

"Yeah, now he's with a girl called summer and she can't even speak Korean."

She scoffed and sipped her iced tea. "Mans a whore."

"Damn right."

"Cmon, darling." Jungkook walked over and took my hand.

"Noo! I want to stay with Lisaaa." I pouted.

"You can see her tomorrow. Come on" he grabbed my waist and dragged me out from the booth. "We'll see you guys tomorrow to taste your wedding cake."

"Bye!" I yelled and walked out hand in hand with my boyfriend.  "When will we get married?" I rested my head on his shoulder.

"When we are ready." He replied and opened the car door for me. I got in and buckled myself.

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