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Warning: slight smut??

We got to his house, immediately picking me up and pinning me to the wall. He closed the door with his foot and kissed my lips. I kicked my shoes off and he walked to his room, not breaking the kiss.

He opened the door, closing it and threw me on the bed before kicking his shoes off as well. He climbed on top of me and played with the hem of my dress. I ripped his shirt off and slid my hands around his torso.

I took my jacket off and flipped us around so I was sat on top of him. I moved to his neck, sucking and biting earning groans as a reward. I got to his sweet spot near his V-Line and softly pecked down.

"Fuck, Deiji" his hips jerked upward and his head rolled back. I saw him bite his lip before flipping us over and carefully pulling my dress over my head.

He gazed at my body, licking his lips before kissing my stomach. I rolled my head back when he got to my thighs, leaving marks everywhere, claiming me.

He played with my underwear before ripping them off, throwing them to the side and sticking a finger in me. I gasped loudly and arched my back while he moved it in a 'come here' motion, sliding his tongue in.

I moaned while he moved my leg more. I grabbed his hair and pulled him up before I came in his mouth. I kissed him while sliding his sweatpants down slightly along with his underwear as he grabbed a condom.

"Wait." He whispered, his chest heaving up and down. "Is this your first time?"

I bit my lip and nodded. "I've done it all apart from... you know." I replied. He looked at me, lust filling his dark eyes.

"Are you sure you wanna do this? I'll be gentle, I promise." He licked his lips and I nodded. He looked down at our bodies and slowly entered me. I winced at the unbearable pain and clinged onto his shoulders.

"Ow. Fuck" I whispered while a tear fell down my cheek.

"Shh. I know." He kissed me to distract me, slowly thrusting his hips in and out. I wrapped my legs around his torso and moved him further in. He got the memo and started to move faster.


*** after... you know.***

His sweaty body collapsed next to mine, the only sound being our heavy breathing.

"Can I say something?" He finally looked at me. I looked back and nodded. "That was my first as well."

"Really? You're a natural then" my eyes widened, looking up at the ceiling. He chuckled lowly and and pulled me into his body.

"What are we?" He finally whispered into my ear before kissing it.

"I'm not sure. We both have feelings for each other... I'm not ready for a relationship tho." I replied and saw him with his lips in a thin line.

"I want you. I'm not going to lie..."

"We can date in secret? We can tell one person each and that's it?" I suggested.

"Okay.." he nodded and cuddled closer to me. I nuzzled my head into his neck and breathed in his scent.

"Goodnight" I whispered and he responded. We fell asleep like that.

*** next morning ***

"Hey, wake up." He whispered and shook me slightly.

"No." I replied and hid in the sheets.

"My parents are home. Quick or they'll see you naked. That's only for me to see" he giggled and I heard the smirk on his lips.

"Perv" I muttered and opened my eyes. He passed me some of his boxers and a grey T-Shirt. I got dressed and tied my hair into a low bun.

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