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The next day

"Hey, do you wanna hang out at my place tonight?" Jungkook grinned as he caught up with me in the schools hall.

"Yea sure!" I smiled back.

"Great! You might have to meet my parents tho... they will be home tonight." He made a 'sorry' face.

"It's fine! I love your parents!"

"Great! See you then." He gave me a slight side hug.

"It'll be fun!" I replied and went of to my class.

Skip to the end of the day lmao I cba writing abt skl.

I got home, quickly showered and blow dryed my hair before picking out an outfit.

(Without the jacket)

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(Without the jacket)

I quickly applied some makeup before slipping some white sneakers on.

"TAE IM LEAVING!" I yelled before locking the front door behind me and walking to Jungkook's house, knocking on his door.

"Oh! Hello, sweetheart!" Mrs.Jeon opened the door and greeted me with a hug. "You've gotten much more prettier then when I last saw you!"

"Thank you. You look amazing as well." I grinned as i bowed lightly. She winked and sent me upstairs. I walked into Jungkook's room and saw him with his face furrowed at his laptop.

"Everything okay?" I walked over and lightly put my hand on his back.

"Oh." He looked up shocked. "Yeah.. complicated math homework." He shook his head and laughed softly. I chuckled and lay on his bed, waiting for him to shut down his laptop.

"Sorry about that" he lay next to me with his head on my stomach.

"Let's play music." I smiled and connected my Spotify to his speaker before hitting shuffle.

"Damn this is my favourite song" he yelled and started bopping his head. The song was called 'play with fire- sam tinnesz , yacht money'

"You like this song?" I looked down at him.

"Hell yeah! Gives me sex feelings, you know?" He smirked and closed his eyes.

"Ew" I laughed and hit his shoulder. Once my laughter died down it was quite again. The next few hours where like that with small talk until he stopped the music.

"I cant do this anymore." He sighed and sat up. I leaned against the headboard with an expression that told him to explain more. "I can't pretend we're just friends. I think about you all the time. I want something more. Do you think about me?" He breathed and looked into my eyes.

I smiled and nodded my head "all the time".

"Thank god." He sighed. "I mean, we've only made out ONCE!" He looked at me outraged.

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