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We raced each other down stairs. Jungkook almost slipped over from his socks, causing me to win.

"HA! TOLD YOU I'D WIN!" I started doing a small dance in victory while he playfully pouted.

"No fair!" He stomped his feet.

"Stop acting like a toddler! Get your shoes on." I threw his timberlands at him and slipped my jacket on.

"Do you want me to pay? I don't want you wasting your money." He shrugged, looking at me with his hands in his pockets as we walked down to the store.

"No. No it's okay. Hey, we should get boba!" I pointed at the store that said 'Bae's Boba'

"You like Boba? Let's go!" He linked out arms and started to skip across the road.

"I cant believe this place is open 24hours. I mean, what crazy people are going to be here at... 12:00am." I chuckled while opening the door.

"Us?" He replied, looking at the menu.

"Annyeonghaseyo! Welcome to Bae's Boba! What can I get you?" A guy came over.

"Uhm... one coconut boba drink please." Jungkook replied looking at me.

"Make that two." I added, smiling.

"Okay... take your seats and we will bring your drinks to you." He smiled and walked into a small room. We walked to a small booth and sat down.

After our drinks were served, we started having a long conversation until Yuri and some other guy walked in.

"Holy crap, kook. Yuri walked in." I whispered, leaning closer over the table.

"What?" He whipped his head around before I pulled him back.

"Don't make it so obvious you pabo!" I scolded. He nodded and apologised.

"Let's get out of here." He pursed his lips before turning around, watching her make out with the guy she cheated on him with.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't feeling bad for him. I got bad vibes from her when I first met her but I never knew it would be this bad.

"You okay?" I asked, looking up at him after we snook out.

"I will be..." he sighed, his eyes glossing over. "I don't want to depress you so let's just go to the store." he smiled a smile that was so fake it broke my heart.

"Hey" I whispered, pulling his arm to stop him. "You know you can talk to me right?" I furrowed my eyebrows and he hummed in response. "You're like another big brother to me so I want you to know I'll be here for you."

"Why don't you call me oppa but you call everyone else that?" he suddenly asked which caught me off guard.

"O-oh.. uhm. I just. I don't know."

truth was... it was because I like him. I don't call my crushes Oppa. I think it's weird

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