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"She's adorable! I cant wait to meet her!" Taehyung yelled over the phone after seeing Mika for the first time.

"I know! She's tiny!" I kissed her nose lightly. "Hello, Oppa Tae!" I spoke in a high pitched voice and moved her foot in a waving motion.

"Haha aww!" He waved back until I heard a girls voice.

"Oh! Who's that?" I asked.

"N-no one. Just Areum." He smiled and ran up to his room. "So... I'm exited for you to come back!"

"Me too! I've missed you all so much! How is everyone? Have you kept in touch with Lisa? I know you like her!!" I teased while he blushed.

"Stop! We went on a date." He covered his face and started giggling.

"Aww! Adorable." I bit my lip. "Anyway..." I trailed off looking around my room.

"Hyung?" I heard on the other line and immediately hung up the phone knowing it was Jungkook.

"Oh god, Mika. How can I face him next week?" I sighed and walked into the bathroom to shower.

Sorry for the short one I'm uploading quicker so they might be shorter

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