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I was sat on the sofa, alone.

I scrolled through my Instagram and saw a picture of Jungkook and another girl...

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Caption (missed this one ❤️)

I decided not to think too much on it and switch my phone off, biting my nails and ripping the skin off them.

Tae: italics

"Oppa?" I asked when he picked up the phone.

"What's up?" He replied.

"Do you know that girl on Jungkook's insta? I've tried not to over think but he's just never mentioned anyone else." My voice shook slightly.

"I knew you'd be worried about this... I don't know who she is. Don't over think it tho. Just ask him when he gets home, okay? Do something to get your mind off it like...... play Mario cart in your Nintendo Switch."

"Okay... thank you." I sighed. We said our goodbyes and hung up.  I grabbed my Nintendo switch just like Taehyung said and played Mario Cart for a few hours.

"Hey babe." Jungkook greeted and placed down his keys. He picked up Yoshi and sat with me. I didn't spare him a glance and carried on watching my TV Show. "Everything okay?"

I carried on ignoring him until he switched it off.

"Hey!" I yelled.

"What's wrong with you?" He turned my face to look him in the eyes. 

"Who's that girl? On your Instagram..." he finally got the answer out. He gently let go of me with a confused look when I started to tear up.

"What?" He gasped.

"Who's the girl, Jungkook?" I asked again.

"My cousin..." he answered after thinking for a while. I didn't believe him since he did the face he makes when he lies.

"Why are you lying?" I started to cry. "I-I mean if you're cheating I completely understand since she's prettier, skinner and I mean she's even taller and everything you've ever wanted... I just want you to be honest"

"Shut up." He kissed me passionately. "Don't say that about yourself, Mi Amor. She's my older sister... I just didn't want to tell you since, well, she's only around today and there wouldn't be a point."

"Oh." I whispered feeling stupid. "I'm sorry, I'm such an idiot." I cursed myself out.

"No you're not... I would think the same... I'm sorry, I should've told you." He sighed.

"Don't blame yourself for my dumb brain." I shook my head and hugged his torso. He hugged me back and kissed my head. I took a deep breath and relaxed.

***a few hours later***

I was cleaning up our closet a little and putting the clean laundry back on clothing hangers. I wiped my hands on my leggings and took the laundry basket back to the laundry room. I heard Yoshi barking and growling so I decided to see what was going on.

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