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"Okay, so. Since it's your birthday, we should have a party." I told jungkook while sitting up after he woke up.

"It's fine, really. You don't have to do anything big." He shook his head. "Also... you just woke up. You don't talk for the first hour or until you have apple juice." He scrunched his eyebrows.

"It's your birthday! Let's go, I have a present for you!" I grabbed his hand and got up, pulling him with me. "You're shirtless? Oh."

"You like it?" He smirked before I slapped his shoulder.

"No! Get a shirt on!" I quickly slipped a sweatshirt over my head and ran downstairs.

"Morning." Tae mumbled and poured himself some apple juice.

"Can I have some?" I held my hand out and he passed me the cup.

"Guyysss?" Jungkook groaned and limped down the staircase.

"What's up?" Tae looked over.

"I slipped."

"What?" I slightly chuckled.

"I think I sprained my ankle." He winced slightly.

"Come here. Sit on the sofa and I'll get some ice." Taehyung led him to the sofa before grabbing ice from the freezer.

"Are you okay,tho?" I asked while making some toast.

"I guess..." he shrugged. "Ouch!" He yelled.

"Sorry." Taehyung whispered after putting the ice on too hard.

"Here." I passed Jungkook the plate of toast and he thanked me with a smile.

"Do you need to go to the hospital?" Taehyung sat down opposite him on a foot stool.

"No.. I'll just walk it off in a second" he shrugged and sat up slightly before wincing again.

"Are you sure you're okay? You can barely sit up. I have a wheelchair in the broom closet from Grandma. Hold on." I quickly stood up, walking to the broom closet.

"Deiji, I don't need it. I swear." Jungkook tried to push the chair away.

"Nope. Get in." Taehyung helped him up and into the wheelchair. He propped his leg up and grabbed the handles. "We'll walk to the hospital since it's not far away."

"Guys, I really don't need to go to the hospital!"

"Should we take Tannie? He needs a walk" I looked towards Taehyung and he nodded.

"Guys, are you ignoring me?" The man in the wheelchair sighed.


*** skip to the hospital ***

"I still think this is over the top. It's just a sprain."

I picked up Yeontan and walked into the hospital after my brother while he kept bickering with Jungkook.

We got to the front desk and Taehyung started talking while I placed Yeontan on Jungkook's lap.

"They will check you in 10 minuets." He turned to us.

"I still think it's unnecessary" Jungkook turned and rolled the wheelchair to the waiting room chairs.

*** time skip***

"Okay, he has torn some ligaments in his ankle so he should be off walking for a few weeks. You can carry on with the wheelchair or we can provide crutches. I'll go get some bandages to wrap it up." The doctor smiled after looking up from his clipboard and walking out of the room.

"Torn ligaments? That's rubbish" Jungkook slouched in his wheelchair and scoffed. "That happens in sports not when you slip on a wet floor."

"I told you we have to come here! Who's always right? TAEHYUNG!" Tae danced around the room.

"Oppa, calm down." I sighed. "Listen, I know you're annoyed because it's your birthday and it really sucks and all but what if we hang out with Bangtan and just have fun?!" I smiled and tried to lighten the mood.

"I don't want to do all that stuff. Thanks tho..." he smiled sadly while the doctor came back in a wrapped his foot.

"Oh, is it your birthday? Happy birthday!" He cheered.


** a few months later **

Let me fill you in...

I met a girl called Lisa and became best friends with her.

J-Hope has a girlfriend called Areum.

Jungkook and I aren't working out well...

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