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"Okay... I was just wondering." He sighed and stood up before holding out a hand for me. I took it and stood up. "Let's just head back..."

"Are you sure you're okay, Kookie?" I softly placed my hand on his shoulder.

"Mhm. I am because I know I have you..." he made intense eye contact with me before he slowly started leaning in... looking at my lips.

"Kook." I pushed him away. "You know we can't. You only just broke up with Yuri and it would be wrong if I kissed you. It would be awkward when we hang out with the rest of Bangtan too." I quietly explained while he started at my lips.

"Y-yeah... I'm gonna go home." He finally looked into my eyes.

"Wait... I thought you wanted to stay over?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"I messed up everything." He muttered before walking off with his head down.

*** the next morning ***

I woke up and looked at the time.

9:23am. Great.

I sighed and rolled off my bed, heading to my closet.

I brushed through my hair after lightly putting on makeup and walking downstairs

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I brushed through my hair after lightly putting on makeup and walking downstairs. I sat on the sofa and looked at social media.

No new notifications.

I sighed and looked around the house. Yeontan jumped on my lap and I petted him for a while, talking to him.

"Should we go for a walk?" I whispered and he sprinted to the door. I chuckled, slipped on my Doc Martins and grabbed my coat and keys. I attached his leash and walked out the door.

When I was locking it, Jungkook was also coming out of his apartment so I waved him over.

"Good morning." He grinned and kneeled down, petting the small, furry dog.

"Hey. Sleep well?" I asked and started walking.

"No. Can I join you?"

"Sure... do you want to bring Tokyo?"

"Uhm... okay. Hold on." He sprinted back into his house and came out a few minuets later. We walked down to the park and sat on the bench while the two puppies ran around with each other.

"Look. I'm sorry about last night. I wasn't thinking straight and shouldn't have tried that. It wasn't me. I'm really sorry." He turned to me.

"It's okay... you were just overwhelmed with Yuri and everything. I get it." I looked down, feeling like he didn't like me the way I liked him.

"You good?"

"Yep." I smiled and looked back at him. He made a concerned face before biting his lip and nodding.

My phone buzzed. "Tae said everyone is going to hang out tonight. Are you coming?"

"Uhm... yeah sure." He shrugged and I nodded, replying back and locking my phone. Jungkook zoned out staring at the grass so I took the chance to look at his features.

"You're so hot" I whispered, not knowing I said it out loud.

"You think I'm hot, huh?" He smirked and raised his eyebrows.

"I-uh." I awkwardly laughed and turned the other way.

"You like me, don't you?" He turned my head toward him.

"Fine. Yes. I like you."

"Why did you stop me from kissing you then?"

"Because! You just broke up with someone and you don't feel the same way!" I sighed. "If this makes us awkward knowing that I have a crush on you I'll just keep my distance."

"No no no. How do you know I don't like you back? Huh. And you're not keeping your distance from me because I'll die." He chuckled. We made eye contact for a few minutes before he started to breath heavily.

"Can I kiss you?" He bit his lips. I gulped at his question and nodded.

He connected our lips.

Fuck he's so gentle

I started to down in his soft pecks.

Deepen them.

I pulled his neck toward me to deepen the kissing and he responded with wetting my bottom lip with his tongue, asking for entrance.

I granted his wish and we made out for a while before pulling back, breathless.

"We- we cant do this." I tried to catch my breath.

"Why? We like each other tho!" He whined.

"We just can't."

"We can fuck tho,right? Like... be fuck buddies?" He smirked.

"Oh my god, Jungkook. Fine, we can. BUT DON'T TELL ANYONE!" I warned. He nodded and stood up.

"So... do we get to call each other couple names?"

"Jungkook..." I looked at him defeated. He pouted and grabbed both leashes to attach to the dogs collars.

"Lets go." he smiled and passed me Yeontan's leash.

"Alright." I stood and walked next to him. We talked and joked until we reached our houses.

"I'll see you later." Jungkook smiled and hugged me.

"Bye." I hugged back and unlocked the front door. "TAE IM HOME!"

"IM UP HERE!" I heard him yell back so I went up to his room.

"Hey." I sat on his bed.

"Hey." He swerved in his chair. "So, you were out with our Kookie?" He smirked.

"We just walked the dogs." I lay back on his bed.

"I heard Yuri cheated on him. Did you know?" He rested his feet on the bed.

"Yeah.." I sighed. "He came over when he found out and I helped him. You were sleeping."

"At least you can have a chance with him. Show him how great you are."

"Nah... it's just a small crush. It'll pass. Anyway, what are we doing tonight?" I sat up.

"I don't know. Probably going to hang around outside. Mess about?" He shrugged. I nodded and stood up to go change.

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