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Josie was walking down the path leading to mystic falls high. She had left the Salvatore Boarding school due to some complications from her previous semester.

As Josie got to the main doors she noticed a buzzer, pressing it, she waited for a response. Not long after there was a voice on the other side "Hello". Josie leant down and spoke into the speaker "Hello, I'm Josette Saltzman, I'm transferring here from The Salvatore boarding school". She finished talking and not long after she heard the voice through the speakers again "I'll be right out". Josie stood and waited and was joined soon by a short girl with piercings and brown hair. Josie was taken aback at first, she looked so attractive. Josie Quickly shook that thought out of her head as she introduced herself "Hi, I'm". Josie was cut off by the young girl "your Josette Saltzman I know, you already said. I'm Finch, I'll be your student ambassador anything you need, come to me". Josie noticed Finch holding her had out and she Quickly swapped what hand her books were in and shook her hand.

As soon as Josie had finished shaking Finch's hand she followed her into the school. As they were walking around Josie kept letting her eyes wander to Finch, she was a lot shorter and had piercings and a personality that intrigued Josie and made her want to know more about the girl. Josie was digging it. She was cut out of her thoughts Eventually though when Finch stopped her in the Hallway "So what do you think of this place? If you've been paying attention instead of staring at me". Josie blushed slightly as she had been caught but did her best to hide it "Erhm, yeah it's good, at least now I won't get lost". Josie cringed at her awkwardness but Finch hadn't seemed to pick up on it thankfully.

Just as the tour was coming to a close someone walked past Finch bumping her shoulder a little to hard. Josie watched as Finch turned and looked at them with an evil look.

Josie raised her eyebrow at the scene that had happened before her "What was that about?". Josie watched as Finch turned and looked at her smiling her previous look of anger gone "Oh that, yeah, I dated her for a bit but we had kind of a messy break up". Josie smiled to herself atleast she knew that Finch liked girls now. Josie nodded not wanting to pry any further. After they both said there goodbyes Josie let out a breath she didn't realise she was holding, pulling out her phone she shot a text to Lizzie


Josie: I just finished my tour I miss you, but I have something to tell you when I get back. Xxx

Lizzie: I miss you to and okay should I be concerned xxx

Josie: No nothing bad xxx

Lizzie: okay hurry back MG has been talking non stop about some sort of comic book character or something lol xxx

(End texts)

Josie smiled at her phone before she turned to head back to The Salvatore school, She was only here today for a tour and to hand in her transfer paperwork. On the way back Josie couldn't help but smile, finally she was making some choices for herself, she didn't have to deal with magic, wolves, vampires or her ex aka Penelope Park.

Once Josie reached The Salvatore school she put in the gate code and walked up to the main building. Walking in she got a few looks from some of the students but she expected that after her actions. Josie However ignored the stares and headed to the office to Fill her father in on her Day so he didn't have to worry.

Josie had now finished filling her dad in on the details and was heading up to her room when she bumped into Hope. Smiling lightly she greeted her "Hey Hope". Josie used to have a crush on Hope and still had a soft spot for the girl but she wasn't interested. Josie stood as Hope greeted her back and asked how her day had been Josie explained that she had her tour, handed in her paperwork and had met a potential love interest. Josie watched as a slight look of sadness crossed Hope's face, proberly because she had recently broken up with Landon. Josie felt bad but tried not to dwell on it considering she didn't really get on with him due to her previous feelings for Hope.

Once Josie had finished talking to Hope she left and headed for her room to tell Lizzie about meeting Finch, which was her favourite part of the day considering she didn't even know her yet. Josie reached the door to her room and opened it walking in seeing Lizzie sitting on her bed with MG. Almost instantly Josie was being embraced by her sister "Jo thank God your back, it sucks here without you". Josie looked at MG Who was also now standing and hugged him. MG was Lizzie's boyfriend, she had remembered dealing with all that drama last year.

Once Josie had hugged MG he turned to Lizzie giving her a kiss "I'll talk to you later, text me". After that he left leaving Josie alone with Lizzie. Josie shut the door then put her stuff on her bed then turned to Lizzie "So, I like someone". Josie watched as Lizzie's face fell into a huge smile "Tell me everything". Josie smiled and went and sat next to her twin "Okay so, there's this girl, her name is Finch, she has piercings and is a bit shorter than me, oh and her personality is so intriguing, I'm not sure what it is about her but I really want to get to know her". Josie spoke for what  felt like a while before she was cut off by Lizzie "Jo, she sounds great, but it seems like she's got some unsolved issues with her ex, do you really think its a good idea to date her so soon?" Josie giggled a little bit at Lizzie "I'm not going to date her Lizzie, I just want to get to know her and if anything happens from there then we will see". Josie heard Lizzie sigh but couldn't tell if it was in relief or because Lizzie knew that she wouldn't listen. 

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