I have a crush on you

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Josie woke up wrapped in Hope's arms. Smiling lightly she shifted backwards and looked at Hope who was sleeping contently. Josie brushed some hair out her face as she tucked it behind her ear. Josie was mesmerised by the auburn haired beauty when she heard a voice behind her, making her jump and pulling her back to reality. "That's the best she has slept for days". Josie quickly turned around seeing Lizzie sitting on her bed reading a book. "You made me jump. And what do you mean?" Lizzie shut her book and set it down next to her as she turned cross legged on her bed to face Josie "Hope hasn't been sleeping well recently". Josie frowned "How do you know?" Lizzie smiled lightly before answering her sister "She told me". Josie raised her eyebrow "Why hasn't she been sleeping well?" Lizzie smiled once again "Because she's been missing you and worried about you". Josie felt her heart Jump "Really?" Lizzie nodded at her twin.

Josie smiled as she turned back to face a now awake Hope "Hey Hope". Josie watched as A smile appeared across Hope's face "Hey Jo". Josie went to get up but felt Hope pin her down "Lay with me for a while". Josie nodded as she got comfortable again and Hope shifted closer to her body putting her head on Josie's shoulder and her hand over her waist. They laid cuddling in silence for a while when Josie's phone rung. Josie gently pushed Hope off her before walking over to her bag and answering her phone "Hello?" Josie felt her heart race a little as Finch's voice came through the speaker "Hey Jo, You left without waking me, Everything okay?" Josie looked Over to Hope who was listening again, before looking away and speaking "Yeah, no everything's fine. I just had something to do back at mine". Josie glanced over at Hope again the feeling of guilt suddenly hitting her. She was snapped out of it when Finch spoke again "Will you be back later?" Josie smiled "Yeah, I'll bring some more stuff if that's okay?" Josie was slightly surprised by Finch's next sentence "Why don't you bring all you stuff?" Josie looked at Hope who had visibly tensed before taking a deep breath "I mean If I did then technically I'd be living with you". Finch just giggled on the other end of the phone "Then move in with me". Josie felt a feeling of happiness flow through her but also at the same time she felt sadness at the Idea she wouldn't see Hope or Lizzie much "Erm, can we maybe talk about this together later?" Josie heard the happiness in Finch's voice "Sure Jo anything for you". Josie smiled relieved slightly "I'm going to go now baby, I'll see you later?" After saying bye she hung up and looked over to Hope who looked sad, Josie hated this look on Hope, It broke her heart.

Josie walked over to her bed sitting down "Hey Hope, Want to go get lunch early?" Josie noticed Hope perk up a little but the sadness was still adamant in her eyes. Hope and Josie were sitting Out by the lake, The had decided a picnic would be nice as its a nice day. They sat making light conversation and eating when Josie decided to finally push Hope on what she wanted to tell her. "So Hope, you said you wanted to talk to me about something important. Is everything okay?" Josie noticed Hope go quiet for a moment before reaching out and taking her hand. Josie Rubbed her thumb over it reassuringly as Hope began speaking "You know when you and Finch first got together and I said I was jealous. Well it turns out that I have feelings for you. I have had feelings for you for a while I just refused to Acknowledge them. I think that's why It didn't work with Landon. Because deep down, I wanted it to be you". Josie was silent for a moment, Hearing Hope say she had a crush on her made her feel extremely happy, but she had Finch now and she didn't like Hope like that anymore.. she didn't think.

Josie smiled as she once again reassuringly rubbed her thumb across Hope's hand "Thank you for telling me Hope. I'm really happy to know that. But I'm with Finch now I-" Hope cut Josie off "I know Jo. I should have told you sooner, I know you are with Finch now. I know you love her and she may be your first love or whatever, But I intend to be your last, no matter how long it takes". Josie smiled lightly at Hope "I don't want you to waste your time on me Hope, what If I never feel that way about you again?". Hope smiled confidently as she answerd "You will, I'm sure of it". Josie grinned as she let Hope's hand go "Wanna be Wolfie you for a while? We can lay together like we used to and you can run around and play". Hope smiled as she looked at Josie "I'd love to". Hope stood up and disappeared behind a tree for a few minutes before emerging in her Wolf form.

Josie smiled as Hope walked Over to her "I don't know how you do it, it must be painful every time you turn. I can't imagine". Hope sat and Licked Josie's face before laying her head on Josie's lap. "Don't you want to play?". Hope looked up and barked lightly which Josie could only interpret as Hope wanting her to stoke her head. Josie began stroking and Hope seemed extremely relaxed "You like it when I do this don't you? Did you used to let Landon do this?" Hope looked up at Josie whimpering a little bit "I'm sorry did I upset you?" Hope tilted her head as if to say no and Josie just smiled "Your such a beautiful wolf Hope, And your such a beautiful girl". Hope barked lightly and licked Josie's face again, causing her to giggle.

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