Wolf fight

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Hope was sitting out by the lake reading when she heard A howl in the distance. Dropping her book Hope was instantly alert. It wasn't a full moon so it wasn't one of their wolves, which mean it was a hybrid or a Wolf with a moonlight ring. Hope quickly ran behind a tree discarding her book as she stripped down and shifted. As soon as she had changed She set off running with wolf speed in the direction of the howl. Hope was running for about 20 minutes before coming to a field. Hope snuck through the trees keeping a low profile as she surveyed her surroundings for the other wolf. Hope was busy tracking the wolf using its scent, when a completely different on caught her attention: Josie. Hope didn't even have to think twice as she took off in the direction of Josie's scent. Using wolf speed it only took her 5 minutes to find the girl, Hope saw her siting on a fallen down tree on her phone.

Hope walked up to her whimpering quietly so she didn't startle her, However when she saw Josie look at her. She Didn't look happy like she usually did "Hope? What are you doing here? you need to go". Hope walked over to her sitting in front of her tilting her head whining unsure why Josie was reacting like this. Josie looked around worried as she looked Back at Hope "Hope please, go before-" As out of Nowhere Hope saw a black wolf Jump in front of Josie protectively. The wolf stared at her and bowed its head barring its teeth as it snapped at Her. Hope Instantly growled and snapped back at it, This wolf was clearly disobedient, If it knew better it would bow down to her She was the Alpha after all However, it didn't. Instead it took a step closer letting out another low guttural growl, Hope wasn't having it any longer, The wolf was clearly challenging her. Hope jumped forward attacking the other wolf throwing it to the side However what Hope didn't anticipate was how quick and spry the other wolf was. Almost immediately it was back up and Biting into the back of Hope's neck, Hope whined and shook it off as crimson liquid began running through her otherwise white fur. Hope went to attack the other wolf again but stopped when she heard Josie call out "Hope, Finch stop!". Both the wolves stopped looking at each other then Josie "Both of you stop it. Hope go back to the school and clean yourself up and then call me. We can talk about this then. And Finch lets go back to yours so you can turn back then you can have another shower and we can talk about this okay?" Hope whined at Josie but turned and began leaving and Finch walked over to her bowing her head apologetically. Josie just stroked Finch's head "Let's go back to yours okay?" Finch huffed a little as she began following Josie Back home.

Once they got to the tree line Josie heard Hope howl in the distance and some how Josie knew that she was letting her know that she was back safely. Josie smiled relieved as they walked over the field and back to Finch's shed. Finch walked in and laid down in her wolf form closing her eyes and Focusing on being human again. Once again it took a moment but all the hair on her body started receding and her bones once again began shifting and breaking. Once the pain had subsided Finch opened her eyes still laying in the cage, It took her a second but Finally she managed to get up. Finch stood slowly grabbing her clothes and pulling them on before slowly  walking out of the shed to meet Josie in the house. Finch walked and and went straight to the front room before laying down putting her head in Josie's lap "All of me hurts". Josie giggled a little as she ran her fingers through Finch's hair. "Finch, we should talk about what happened with Hope". 

Finch pushed herself up as she looked at Josie "Jo, I was just protecting you, I would have never attacked her if she didn't attack me first". Josie smiled lightly "I know baby, don't worry, she was also protecting me. And maybe a little pissed off that you are now able to change at Will. And also a little mad that she's a Alpha and you were threatening her". Finch giggled a little "I didn't mean to make her mad, Or you". Josie smiled as she leaned into Finch kissing her "You didn't make me mad love". Finch smiled as she leaned in once again to kiss Josie, but she was cut off when Josie's phone rung. Josie quickly finished the distance and kissed Finch before answering her phone "Hey Hope". Josie stood up heading out the room so Finch couldn't hear their conversation "Jo, What were you thinking!? You made her a moonlight ring seriously?" Josie sighed as she began explaining "Hope, please don't be mad at me. I hate the idea of her being forced to change against her will. I hate the idea of her going through that pain". The line was quiet for a second before Hope spoke "Would you have done the same for me?" Josie was taken back a bit by Hope's question but answered anyway "Yes of course I would". The line fell silent again and this time it was Josie who broke the silence "Is your neck okay?" Hope laughed lightly on the other end of the phone "You mean after your girlfriend bit me?" 

Josie didn't answer as she already felt bad but her worries were eased as Hope continued to talk "I'm fine Jo, Vampire healing and accelerated wolf healing". Josie let out a sigh she didn't know she was holding "Did you tell my father that I made Finch a moonlight ring?" Hope cleared her throat on the other end of the phone "Yes". Josie sighed and frowned feeling anxious "What did he say?" Hope was quiet once again before she spoke "He's angry Jo, But you have to understand that he worries about you, as do I". Josie smiled as she thought about laying with Hope that morning and having Hope admit her feelings "I know you care Hope, I'm going to go now but I'll be back tomorrow. No doubt dad will want to speak to me. Would you like to meet at lunch maybe". Josie could hear the happiness in Hope's voice as she spoke "It's a date". Josie went to answer but Hope had already hung up. Smiling to herself once again, Josie turned and headed back to the front room.

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