It's okay, I know

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Josie woke at 6.30 am, She had been talking to Lizzie almost all of last night. Stretching she climbed out of bed, and grabbed a hoodie. She knew her dad wouldn't be awake yet so she went into her dads office and got the keys to the cells. Walking into them she saw Jedd and everyone asleep. She stayed quiet so she didn't wake any of them and walked directly to Hope's cell Unlocking it. Hope was also asleep, Josie put her hand on Hope's shoulder and could feel that she was cold. Taking her hoodie off she wrapped it around Hope before standing up and leaving unlocking the rest of the cages. Once she was done she took the keys back to her dad's office and wrote a quick note. She then Put it on his desk and headed back to her room. It was still early when Josie had got back and Lizzie was still sleeping. 

Quietly Josie ran a Shower and grabbed some clothes. Once Josie was finished getting dressed she picked up her phone checking the time. Josie then Left a note for Lizzie and headed out of the school and down to the bus stop. Once she got there she waited about 10 minutes until the bus arrived. Paying her fair Josie sat down and put her earphones in minding her own business all the way to town. Once she Got off Josie waited for the next bus that took her just down the road from Finch's. Josie walked the short distance from the bus stop to Finch's House before knocking. Josie stood and waited at the door but there was no answer. Josie then decided to call Finch in case she was Not home. Josie stayed quiet as it began ringing when she heard a Ringtone come from behind the house.

Josie followed the sound of the ringing to an old shed in Finch's back garden. Josie tried opening the door but couldn't as it was locked. Josie searched the Outside of the shed to see if there was a spare key, Luckily she found one in a flower pot. Picking it up she unlocked the shed and was instantly met with a sleeping Finch in a metal cage. Josie had been warned that Finch was a wolf but part of her didn't believe it until now. Josie stood staring For a minute until she unlocked the second door. This time it was a metal bar door. Once Josie had unlocked it she took her hoodie off like she had done with Hope this morning and Covered Finch sitting down next to her waiting for her to wake up.

Josie had been sitting next to Finch for about 20 Minutes scrolling on her phone when she heard Finch start to stir. Looking up from her phone she saw Finch Sit up And look at her Panicked "JOSIE!? What are you doing here? I can explain this, I know It may look weird but-" Finch was cut off by Josie who Pulled her into a hug and began stroking her back "Finch, Hey calm down, It's fine, I know what's going on, Don't worry". Josie Felt Finch's breathing slow as she began to calm down. Once she was fully calm Josie helped her up and Turned around giving her some privacy to put Josie's Hoodie on. Once she was covered Up they headed out of the shed into The house. Josie told Finch to sit down As she put the kettle on "Would you like a drink?". 

After Josie had Made Finch a drink she sat it on the table in front of her before taking the seat opposite. They sat in silence until Finch spoke "How do you know about this Jo? I've Never told anyone". Josie took a deep breath "Okay, I am not allowed to explain, But if you come back to the Salvatore boarding school with me, then my dad will explain everything okay?" Finch Nodded "Why are you not mad at me for not telling you?" Josie looked down and fiddled with her cup a little bit "Because I have a secret too. But You will find out when we go to see my dad". Once again Finch just nodded and they sat silently drinking there drinks and enjoying each others company. 

After they had both had a drink Finch excused herself to have a shower and get some clothes on. While Josie sat and watched some Netflix show while she waited. After about an hour Finch walked out of the bathroom wearing a pair of tracksuit bottoms and a vest top. Josie walked up to her and gently Ran her hands down Finch's shoulders. You ready to go? Finch nodded before quickly turning to Josie "Hey, do you mind if we take the bus? I'm to sore to ride my scooter". Josie shook her head as she followed Finch out, and down the road to the bus stop.

The Journey was quick and Josie was feeling nervous as she walked up to the school gates. She had no idea how Her dad would react to her bringing an outsider in. But Josie knew she had to do it. Josie was first indoors and was followed by Finch. Finch was immediately on guard and was sticking as close to Josie as she could. They made there way through the Halls getting some looks from the other student's. Luckily they hadn't ran into the wolf pack. Once Josie and Finch reached her dad's Office she knocked immediately being called in. Josie Grabbed Finch's hand as she walked in and was surprised seeing Hope sitting in the corner of the office reading. Josie looked at her and saw she was wearing her Hoodie that she had covered her up with this morning. Hope Looked up and smiled Widley, but it was short lived when she saw Finch. Hope's face had gone from Happy to Cereal killer in a second. Josie tried ignoring the look that Finch was getting, instead turning to her dad. "Hi dad, I know that your probably wondering why I brought someone back so let me Explain". ...

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