Stay here

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Finch, Hope and Josie were currently sitting with Lizzie, MG and Landon. Hope could feel Landon keep looking at her, but all she could do was watch Josie and Finch. Hope thought back to last night and the kiss she had given Josie, she wanted nothing more than to do it again. Hope watched as Finch kissed Josie and brushed hair out of her eyes and complement her and it was driving her mad. All Hope could think was that it should be her. Hope was brought out her thoughts when Landon spoke to her "I remember whe you used to look at me like that". Hope turned to him frowning a little "What do you mean?". Landon looked at Josie then back to Hope "Your staring at her the same way you used to stare at me. Like she is the only thing your world revolved around. But I understand the feeling, she's selfless and perfect, like she has always been, I don't blame you for being in love with her. I was to once".

Hope looked at Landon then back At Josie then back to Landon "I'm not in love with her, it's just a stupid crush". Landon raised his eyebrow "Stop lying to yourself Hope, You love her You just won't admit it". Hope looked back to Josie who was Laughing with Lizzie and and Hope couldn't stop herself but enjoy the sound, it was almost infectious and Hope couldn't help but smile".

After everyone had eaten Hope turned To Josie "Are you staying here tonight Jo?" Josie looked at Finch who was currently talking to MG then back At Hope "Yeah, I am". Hope felt happiness build up inside her at the thought of a night with Josie "I'm happy to hear that". Josie smiled at Hope before turning her attention to Finch who was now speaking to her "Want to go down to the lake after lunch, alone?" Josie nodded as she turned to Hope "Would it be okay to speak a few hours with Her, I Don't want to ditch you". Hope smiled lightly and nodded "Its okay, just come and find me when your done okay?". Josie nodded as she stood up excusing herself from everyone with Finch.

Once Finch and Josie had left Lizzie turned to Hope "You know they are going to go bang right?" Hope looked at Lizzie angrily "No they're not". Lizzie laughed a little "That's not what Think". Hope growled lowly and Lizzie frowned "Hope, I was kidding". Hope just stood up excusing herself before leaving. Hope went up to her room and sat on her window sill looking out the window. She was thinking about what Landon had said and what Lizzie had said and honestly she was starting to think Landon was right. Hope got up from her window sill and grabbed a book before sitting back down and began reading it.  After about 10 minutes Hope heard Howling In the distance her eyes lighting up gold at the sound. The Alpha in her wanted to find the wolf and fight it for territory but Hope knew it would upset Josie. Shaking her head and taking a deep breath she watched the yellow in her vision dissipate, but she had now lost concentration on her book.

Finch was currently laying next to Josie in wolf form "I'm staying here tonight, are you going back to yours?" Finch whined a little which probably meant no. Josie looked over to her frowning "I thought you proffered being at Home to being here". Finch laid her head on her paws looking at Josie almost like she wanted to tell her something. Josie stroked the black wolfs fur, "do you want to tell me something?". Finch nodded her head and Josie giggled "You know you need to shift to tell me right". Finch stood up and walked towards a tree disappearing behind it before soon re emerging as herself. "Jo,  would you mind if I was to stay here? I know that I said I didn't want to but I feel like I could learn a lot. And your an excellent teacher but I kinda like it here". Josie smiled lightly at her "Finch if you wanna stay then stay, I will talk to my father, we will get your papers signed and you can be a student here". Finch smiled as she held her hand out to Josie "Let's go talk to your dad then". Josie took Finch's hand "Let's go".

Josie and Finch were currently in Alarics office. He had scolded Josie for making Finch a moonlight ring, but was more comfortable when Finch said she wanted to go th hos school. Alaric had just handed Finch some papers and signed them, before asking her to take them to the principle of Mystic High falls and getting him to sign them to. Finch took the papers nodding as she told Alaric she would return them tomorrow. Alaric smiled then looked at Josie "I'm still mad at you about your spell. But just promise me you won't do something that dangerous again". Josie nodded and smiled as she stranded up hugging her dad "Okay dad I won't".

Josie and Finch left Alaric's office before heading up to her room, Josie walked in seeing Hope laying on her bed "Hey Hope, did you wait for us? I have some news". Hope sat up as she looked at Ginch who was smirking behind Josie almost maliciously "Finch is transferring here. She will be attending this school which means I'll be here more". Hope looked at Finch then at Josie "Is she moving here?". Josie went to speak when Finch spoke up "Yes, I will, but I will still be keeping my place for when I finish my time here". Hope swallowed as she was consumed by anger and Jealousy and sadness. But also Happiness and Hopefulness. Hope wasn't thrilled that Ginch would be attending here, but she was happy as it meant she might get more time with Josie.

Finsie/Hosie: My WolfWhere stories live. Discover now