Moonlight ring

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Josie was now walking back to the school with Hope. They had been hanging out almost the whole day and were both happy. Hope and Josie just came into the clearing of the Salvatore school when Josie noticed Finch sitting on the steps. Josie looked at Hope who just rolled her eyes as They approached the girl. "Finch, What are you doing here?" Finch stood up holding her phone up to Josie "Waiting for a message from my girlfriend who hasn't replied almost all day". Josie frowned and pulled her phone out seeing she had missed calls and messages from Finch "Sorry baby, I haven't been on my phone". Josie walked up to Finch and went to kiss her but she pulled away "No offence but you smell like her". Hope rolled her eyes as Finch gestured to her "Does it matter? she's your girlfriend isn't she?" Finch grinned at her before answering "Yeah, your right, she's MY girlfriend". Finch was clear to emphasise the word 'My' and Hope felt irritation building up in her. Josie must have noticed as she began speaking "Let me go and get my things then we can go back to yours". Finch smiled lightly following Josie as she headed into the school. Once they arrived at her Room Josie walked in inviting Finch and Hope in, but Hope passed as she said bye to Josie hugging her before leaving.

Josie closed the door turning to Finch as she began grabbing some more clothes and stuff. While Packing them she saw the grey box under her pillow and grabbed it putting it in her bag and hiding it being sure that Finch wouldn't spot it. Once packed Josie turned to Finch who was watching her intently "I'm ready baby". Finch smiled and stood up "Want a shower when we get Home?" Josie smiled at Finch and nodded as they headed out the room and down the halls.

(Time skip)

Josie and Finch had just got out the shower and Finch was currently getting dressed while Josie was laying on her bed still wrapped in a towel "Aren't you getting dressed baby?" Josie looked over at Finch smiling "Nah not yet, Might just stay here like this for a bit". Finch grinned discarding the bottoms she was about to put on before walking over to Josie and sitting on her lap legs either side of her. "Are you teasing me Saltzman?" Josie smirked wrapping her arms around Finch's waist and running her hands up her back. "Maybe". Finch leaned in kissing Josie, They sat making out when Finch pushed Josie backwards removing her towel. Finch looked at Josie up and down a little before leaning down and leaving soft kisses all over her chest, neck and shoulders "Your beautiful Jo". Josie blushed and covered her face giggling a little bit "Shut up". Finch also giggled as she pulled back from Josie "Jo, What's your answer to staying here permanently?" Josie looked at Finch surprised "I don't know yet. You know you could just go to the Salvatore boarding school and live there". Finch frowned as she laid on top of Josie "I like it here, I've made a life for myself in this place. And I don't want to go to the Salvatore boarding school. I want to continue going to mystic falls high with you". Josie nodded as she gently pushed Finch off of her "I got you something. I wasn't going to give you it until the full moon but I feel like now is a good of time as any". Standing up she walked over to her bag rummaging through it before pulling out a small box. She then walked back to Finch and handed it to her, Finch opened it and saw a ring and looked at Josie confused. Josie picked up on Finch's confusion and smiled as she began explaining.

"It's a moonlight ring". Finch still looked confused she she assessed it, "What's it for?" Josie sat down and continued speaking "Its kind of like the counterpart of a daylight ring only it does much more. That ring will allow you to turn into a wolf at will and access all your wolf powers whenever you want. Not only that you will also be in full control of yourself while your a wolf and you won't have to change on a full moon while you wear it. I enchanted it this morning for you". Finch looked at Josie her face in shock "Jo, You didn't have to do this for me. Its all I've ever wanted, I don't know what to say". Josie smiled as she leaned in kissing Finch before pulling away slightly "You don't have to say anything. Just put it on and you have all the advantages of being a wolf without actually having to change". Finch pulled back and took the ring out of the box sliding it on her finger "How do you know if it works?" Josie frowned a little "I don't, But I'm Hoping it did". Finch nodded as she was quiet a second "We can always try it". Josie looked at her confused a second "What do you mean?" Finch stood up grabbing some tracksuit bottoms and a strap top "Get dressed then meet me in my shed". Josie nodded getting up off the bed and putting some clothes on. Once she was dressed she went outside and met Finch who was standing in a now locked cage. Josie watched as Finch took her clothes of before kneeling down she stayed like that for a second before taking a deep breath and focusing on becoming a wolf. After a few moments she felt the transformation begin, She felt her bones start to shift and crack, she felt her blood start to burn in her veins and all her muscles almost cramp. Finch groaned and cried as everything shifted but after a few minutes the pain stopped. Finch knew that she had done it, She had shifted, But she still had complete control of everything she was doing.

Finch looked up at Josie who was standing there smiling, Walking up to the bars of her cage she scratched to be let out. Finch knew that Josie knew what she wanted as she had probably done this with Hope a hundred times before. Josie was proud that the ring had worked and was now unlocking the cage for Finch. As soon as it was Open Finch jumped up at her knocking her to the floor as she licked Josie's face, but for some reason she wasn't as happy as she was when Hope did it. However she just smiled as she stroked Finch "Do you want to go for a walk in the woods like this?" Finch barked loudly and Josie Giggled as she stood up. Here we will go out your back gate, Your lucky it leads to a field and the tree line of the woods. Josie stood up and walked out with Finch right next to her as they headed out Finch's back gate. Finch stayed By Josie's side the entire time until they got to the woods. Once they did Finch looked at Josie "Go on then, what are you waiting for? Go be a wolf, You remember my scent. So when your done just come find me". Finch let out a loud howl before disappearing into the trees and out of Josie's sight.

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