You stayed?

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Josie awoke and tried sitting up but groaned as her head pounded. Almost immediately she she felt someone sit next to her. Josie tried opening her eyes but everything was a bit Hazey due to the hangover. When she was finally able to see clearly she saw Finch leaning above her "Hey baby, I got you some painkillers and your favourite drink. You need help sitting up?" Josie nodded slowly and Gently as Finch helped her sit up.  Once she was sitting Finch handed her the Ribena and the painkillers "here love". Josie took them thanking her girlfriend before taking them. "Did you stay with me last night?" Josie looked down seeing if she was still wearing clothes, surprised to see she was in pyjamas. Finch knew exactly what she was checking for "yes, I stayed with you last night, and before you ask, no we didn't do anything". Josie looked at Finch a little relieved "That's good, I wouldn't want our first time to be while I'm drunk". Finch smiled at her kissing her before pulling away a bit "You smell like a mini bar babe". Josie laughed a little "yeah I'm sorry about that, I'll freshen up". Josie went to get up but Finch kept her down "no, stay. You can do that later when you feel better". Josie smiled and laid back down pulling her covers back and tapping the bed next to her "come get in bed with me".

Finch crawled back in bed with Josie pulling her into her as Josie rested her head on Finch's chest. After about 10 minutes Finch felt Josie's breathing even out. Finch smiled down at her for a while when her bedroom door opened revealing Hope. Finch looked up at her growling lowly "what do you want?" Hope frowned "I wanted to check on Josie, she hasn't answered my texts". Finch kept eye contact with Hope "You don't need to worry shes okay shes had a drink and some painkillers, now I'm just letting her rest". Hope nodded before turning round exiting the room leaving Finch and Josie alone.

(Time skip)

Finch woke up to Josie kissing her neck, grinning she looked down at the girl who looked up at her smiling "Hello, my love". Josie grinned back before she kissed Finch's neck again "Hello baby". Finch smirked as she crawled on top of Josie "Do you know any spells to lock a door?" Josie nodded as she siphoned some power from Finch then quickly mumbled a spell "There, just us now". Finch smirked and kissed Josie's neck before making her way down further until she was under the covers. Finch kissed up Josie's thigh leaving little hickies everywhere causing Josie to let out little moans. Before coming back up to her neck and kissing her gently biting down here and there leaving more little hickies everywhere. They continued like that for a while when Finch stopped and turned around, Josie frowned at the loss of contact before turning to Finch "why did you stop?" Finch growled lowly as there was a knock at the door, Josie frowned rolling her eyes "For fuck sake". She then turned to Finch "Were staying at yours tonight". Finch just nodded her eyes not leaving the door.

Josie climbed out of bed her hickies clearly visible on her thighs neck and shoulder as she answered the door. Josie's eyes locked  Onto Hope and she immediately noticed that Hope was staring at her hickies. Josie went to talk to Hope when She noticed gold eyes piercing into her room looking at Finch. Without a second warning Hope had run in the room launching Finch into Josie's bedside table "what did you do? Finch stood up eyes equally as gold "I marked what's mine". Hope growled animalistically as she grabbed Finch throwing her against the wall "What have I told you, she's not your property, she's a person not a game. Don't ever leave marks on her skin again". Josie had closed her door now and turned to the two girls currently having a full out brawl in her bedroom "GIRLS!". They both stopped and looked at Josie Finch was the first to speak "baby, I'm sorry, it was self defense". Josie nodded and turned to Hope "Hope, I appreciate your concern but I need you to leave".

Hope walked towards Josie and went to touch her when Finch got in her way and growled "Move along wolf". Josie tapped Finch "Finch, calm down". Finch sighed and backed off as Hope took one last look at Josie "I'll be around Jo". She then looked at Finch "I'm watching you". Finch shrugged as she watched Hope leave. As soon as Hope was gone Josie turned to Finch "What the hell was all that about? You don't go all wonder woman on my friends okay? I won't have it". Finch looked at Josie angrily "What the hell Jo? She attacked me first". Josie nodded and walked over to Finch touching her face gently "I know baby, but you could have been the better person, and you were provoking her". Finch just sighed as she leaned into Josie's touch, "Your right baby, I'm sorry". Josie leaned in kissing Finch lightly "Let me pack my stuff and we can go to your place and watch a movie. We can get snacks and drinks to okay?" Finch nodded and smiled "Okay baby".

Josie smiled as Finch sat on her bed and she ran around grabbing her clothes and pyjamas packing them into a bag. Once she had finished packing Lizzie walked in with MG and Noticed the bag on her sisters bed "Going somewhere Jo?". Josie nodded as she took her top off and grabbed another one not caring that MG was currently watching. It wasn't until she removed her bottoms that MG spoke "How did you get then bruises on your thigh?" Lizzie looked at Him annoyed and Finch stared at him with a death glare, before Lizzie turned to view her sisters leg "What the fuck!" Josie went to explain when Lizzie turned to Finch "Did you do this to her?" Finch just nodded as she Leaned back on Josie's bed. "Why would you do that? Shes got bruises all up her leg". Finch sighed feeling frustration build up in her "Your the second person who's pointed it out. Why does it matter? They are hickies, I didn't hurt her on purpose okay". Lizzie frowned as she turned To Josie "be careful Jo please". Josie nodded as she did her Jean's up and pulled her shoes on "I will be careful, but Finch is right. It's not your problem". Lizzie just nodded then turned to Finch Giving her the evils.

Finsie/Hosie: My WolfWhere stories live. Discover now