Kiss you

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Hope woke up from a restless sleep. Since Josie had been staying at Finch's she wasn't sleeping well. Hope just laid in bed thinking about Josie and they way they would have sleep overs and Sneak out to meet each other after curfew. Josie was never one for getting into trouble but she always took the risk to see her. Hope wondered how she didn't notice Josie's crush, all the signs had been there. Josie would get Jealous when she was with Landon, She would always do things out of her comfort zone that were only things she would do for her. She would always look at her during class, and always blushed when she complemented her. Hope was feeling irritated with herself for not noticing sooner. Hope rolled over and grabbed her phone before checking the time and texting Josie.


Josie: Hey Jo, I can't sleep. I've been up thinking about you and all the things we used to do together. I hate not having you around. I just wish I could sneak out and come to your room like I used to when I couldn't sleep and have you play with my hair again until I could. Any way I just wanted to text you to let you know, I'm not even sure why. I hope your sleeping well and not struggling with your nightmares But if you ever do I'm just a phone call away.

(End text)

Hope put her phone back down and climbed out of her bed throwing some tracksuit bottoms and a Top on. She then snuck out through the halls remaining quiet until she got to the doors, Opening them she walked out into the night and headed straight for the tree line to the woods. Once Hope had reached her destination she hid behind a bush stripping her clothes off before allowing herself to shift. Hope walked out of the bush and began walking through the woods not really thinking about a destination. Soon However Hope found herself in the field behind Finch's, And weren't even sure why she had come here. One thing she did notice though thanks to her wolf vision, was Josie sitting on the windowsill inside the house looking out the window. Hope stood watching her for a while until watching her wasn't enough, Standing up Hope raised her head to the sky and let out a Howl. Almost as soon as she was finished she looked at the window and saw Josie staring at her, Hope stood wagging her tail a bit then watched as Josie turned around walking away from the window. Hope felt deflated as she whimpered and laid down almost like she was crying but in wolf form. After a few minutes though Hope saw a Figure approaching her and knew it instantly to be Josie. Standing Up Hope walked over to her and almost on instinct Josie crouched down to stroke her.

Josie sat as Hope laid down resting her head on Josie's lap, Josie subconsciously stroking her like she had done so many times before. "What are you doing here Hope? I know you couldn't sleep but you didn't have to come find me. But I can't say I'm not happy to see you". Hope looked up licking Josie's face lightly "Josie giggled as she continued speaking "I wanted to let you know that I miss you to. Not being at the school is weird but not sneaking out to meet you and hang out with you is weirder". Hope stood up for a second circling Josie before sitting in front of her and raising her paw. Josie looked at her confused but had a slight Idea what she wanted "You want me to wait here?" Hope barked Quietly as she walked behind Josie who stayed sitting. Hope didn't go far however as Josie could hear bones cracking, "Hope are you seriously shifting? You know your going to be naked right?"

Josie didn't have to wait long for a response "Close your eyes Jo". Josie was a little apprehensive but Did as Hope commanded, Josie stood there for a few seconds until she felt a hand brush her cheek "Don't move". Josie just nodded as she stood feeling tension build up in her, After a few seconds she felt Hope's breath on her face and then Soft lips on hers. Almost Immediately Josie melted into the kiss as she put her hands either side of Hope's face, The stood kissing for a moment until Hope pulled away. Josie stood still with her eyes closed and all she could say was wow. A few moments after Josie heard breaking bones again, then a tugging at her shirt. Opening her eyes she crouched down to the white wolf now in front of her "You kissed me". Hope barked quietly and Josie brought her hand up stroking her fur "Is that what you came here to do?" Hope just barked quietly again before licking Josie's face. Josie smiled but felt guilt and confusion build up inside her, She had thought that her crush on Hope was gone, but apparently not.

Josie was currently laying in the field looking up at the moon using Hope as a pillow. She was just talking and ranting as Hope layed listening to her. Hope loved times like this, Josie always seemed to open up more to her when she was in wolf form, Hope was sure it's because she couldn't answer back. Josie was currently talking about Finch being able to change at will, when she said something that caught her attention "Its like, she shifted in her cage then I let her out. But when she jumped up at me and licked me I didn't find it cute or anything, not like with you". Hope barked a little as Josie went quiet realising what she had said.

After another hour or two Josie sat up and looked down at Hope "I'm getting tired, Do you mind in I go to bed now?". Hope curled closer to Josie before whining "Hope, I can't sleep with you Like we used to. I'm already taking a risk just laying with you now. If I went to sleep with you like this it would break Finch's heart". Josie could swear she saw a glint of mischief in Hope's eyes, and knew that if she was in human form she would be smirking with that signature Mikaelson smirk. "No Hope don't get any ideas. I'll be back at the school tomorrow okay we can hang out". Hope Huffed as she unwound herself from Josie. She then turned Licking her face before heading off. Turning round to take one last glance at Josie. Once Hope was sure she was okay, she headed back to the school and upon arrive Howeld so that Josie would know she made it back safely.

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