Not going to Happen

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Hope had returned from her walk with Lizzie and MG and headed to the gym. Walking in she spotted the wolf pack hanging out, lifting weights and playing ball. Walking over she greeted Raf and Jed "Hey boys, Mind if I play?" They both smiled and nodded as they threw the ball to Hope who caught it no problem. Hope hated the idea of having a pack, she figured it would be to much work. But when she was around the pack, the alpha in her always seemed relaxed and content. Hope smiled as she threw The ball back and they began playing catch. Half way through playing Hope noticed that Finch wasn't with them and raised her eyebrow "Hey, where's Finch?" Raf smiled as he threw the ball to Hope "With Josie, She told us she was going to talk to her about an hour ago". Jed sniggered a little catching Hopes attention "What's that snigger for?" Jed caught the ball then looked at Hope "I just think it's funny that Raf thinks there talking". Hope was still curious so pushed a little more "What else would they be doing?" Jed smirked again as he spoke "Come on Hope. You know as well as we do Josie has a weak spot for wolves. Magnify that by her feelings for Finch and All Finch would really have to do is Flash her eyes and Josie would be melting in her hands. Quite literally". Hope growled a lowly at Jed "You better not be suggesting what I think you are". Jed just shrugged "Well I just think it's strange. I tell her how to claim someone and suddenly she wants to see Josie. I can guarantee that by now, Josie has werewolf venom in her blood". 

Hope dropped the ball that was in her hands as she felt her heart rate spike "You told her how to claim someone? You do realise if she claims Josie the Josie is stuck with her?" Jed nodded "Yeah, And. They Love each other. Let them be together". Hope growled as she walked up to Jed "You don't understand, If Finch claims Josie. I can't touch her or go near her without Finch's permission. Not only that but that means she will practically be part of a pack which means  she will have to do everything Finch says. Finch will basically own her, She has the right to have a choice in whether she wants that or not". Jed stepped back apologising "I'm sorry Hope. Maybe they really are Just talking". Hope turned around and quickly began sprinting To Josie's room, "you better be right about them just talking". 

Finch was currently on top of Josie, she removed Josie's top as she began kissing down her neck to her shoulders and to her chest. She then ran her hands lightly down Josie's stomach causing Josie to whimper a little bit and push herself further into the touch. Finch grinned against Josie's Skin before heading lower and leaving kisses all up the girls thigh biting down in a few spots leaving marks. Josie moaned lightly and Finch took this as a sign to continue. Sitting up Finch removed her own top Before she leaned down placing another kiss on Josie's lips. Finch Ran her tongue across Josie's bottom lip and Josie accepted it without a issue. The laid making out for a minute or two And Josie began running her fingers across Finch's spine tracing it lightly leaving goose bumps the wolfs skin. Finch grabbed Josie's wrists then pinned them above the girls head as she felt her eyes turn gold at the way Josie was touching her. Finch held her wrists there before lowering her head towards Josie's neck. But this time she allowed Wolf Venom to pool in her mouth before she went to bite down on Josie's neck. Finch was seconds away from Claiming Josie when the girls door flew open and Finch was tackled off of her. 

Josie sat up surprised and Finch stood up growling savagely eyes still bright gold As Hope stood in front of her. Hopes eyes were also bright gold as she growled animalistic like at Finch "Don't even try it". Finch stood and smirked as she spoke back "Like you could stop me If I wanted to". Hope stalked towards Finch grabbing her by the neck and pinning her against the wall "I'm a tribrid,  I could kill you in a second, The only reason I haven't is because of Josie. Now leave or I will kill you". Finch smirked again as she headbutted Hope knocking her to the floor  "You won't kill me, You love Josie to much to do that". Hope stood up and grabbed Finch throwing her into the wall causing it to crack a bit "Try me". Hope then lifted her up again and threw her out of Josie's room into the opposite door which she went straight through. Josie at this point had had enough of both of the girls behaviours "Can someone tell me what's going on?" 

Hope turned to Josie and walked over to her before gently turning her head to both sides checking each side of her neck. Seeing there was nothing more than a few hickies Hope let out a sigh of relief "Thank god". Josie looked at Hope weirdly "What's happening right now?" Hope smiled lightly as she sat on Josie's bed "Finch was trying to claim you. I came as soon as I found out. I was just checking that she hadn't got the chance to". Josie raised her eyebrow at Hope "Erm, Is she okay? and She was what?" Hope turned to Finch who had just climbed back to her feet before turning back to Josie "She's fine, She will heal. And she was trying to claim you. It when a wolf-" Hope was cut off by Josie "I know what claiming is Hope, She's tried it before". Hope looked at Josie surprised "What? When?" Josie smiled lightly "The night you, me and Lizzie went to that clearing in the woods". Hope nodded remembering that night "Is that why you had a bandage on your neck?" Josie nodded and Hope turned looking at Finch who was now standing in the door way "This is the second time you have tried to claim her? Are you really that stupid?" Finch shook her head "I love her Hope. But I can see that I'm going to loose her, If there's anything I could do to make her stay. I'd do it". Hope stood up "Even against her will? Did you even ask to claim her or was you just going to do it?" Finch frowned and looked at Josie "I was just going to do it". 

Finsie/Hosie: My WolfWhere stories live. Discover now