Second Full moon

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Josie Was walking back towards the school with Raf when she saw a black wolf approaching them. "Finch, what are you doing here?" Finch looked at Raf and Howled And Josie looked at him confused. Raf picked up on Josie's confusion and explained "She was looking for me. She's probably got the whole pack looking for me. She's just alerting them that she's Located me". Josie nodded looking at Finch "We need to take your pack down to the cells, you coming?" Finch barked a little as she followed Josie back to the school. Once they got back Finch disappeared behind a bush. Josie waited for her with Raf and she soon emerged re dressed and human. Finch walked up to Josie and kissed her before turning to Raf "Where did you go? I specifically told you to stay with the pack". Raf frowned and looked away "I'm sorry". Finch just nodded as she turned to Josie "The pack should be here soon. They've all been in the woods looking for him". Josie smiled and nodded as she stood waiting for the other wolves to turn up. 

It wasn't long before Finch's whole pack emerged from the woods walking over to them, Josie looked up at the sky as it was getting darker by the minute "Right, lets get you all down to the cells". They all nodded and followed Josie through the school halls and in the direction of the basement. Half way there Josie spotted Hope who was currently staring at Her and the pack, Josie gave her a small smile before disappearing around the corner. They Finally reached the door to the basement and Josie held it open as the wolves descended down the stairs into the room. Josie was the last in and used her magic to unlock the cell doors, She counted as each wolf walked in to make sure they were all there. Finch went to walk in the cells to But Josie grabbed her arm "You don't have to shift in the cells. You have a moonlight ring, You can shift in the woods". Finch smiled lightly and leaned in kissing Josie "I would love noting more than to do that. But I need to be with my pack". Josie nodded in understanding as she shut the doors using magic to lock them behind her, "Good night everyone". They all said goodnight and she quickly leant through the bar to kiss Finch before turning away and heading up the stairs. 

Once she reached the hall she turned locking the main door before deciding what to do with the rest of her night. Josie finally decided to just have a relaxing night in her room but her plans were cut short when she heard someone behind her "Jo, Want to come with me to the lake? I need to shift soon". Josie turned looking at Hope "Sure why not". Hope smiled at her before gesturing for her to lead the way. Josie and Hope walked in silence for a while until Hope broke the silence "So, I saw you with the wolf pack earlier". Josie just shrugged "And, My girlfriend's the Alpha who else would I be with?" Hope frowned at Josie's hostility "Hey, why so blunt?" Josie looked at Hope and frowned "I'm conflicted". Hope nodded as they entered the clearing to the lake "Want to talk about it?" Josie shook her head so Hope rephrased her wording "Okay , want me to shift so you can talk about it? you prefer to talk to my wolf than me". Josie looked at Hope a little surprised "I do like talking to you Hope, Not just wolfie you. I just find it easier when you are in wolf form so you can't judge me". Hope frowned at Josie "Jo, I would never judge you" Josie smiled lightly "I know but It's just easier". Hope nodded "Okay, I'll go shift, Then you can talk" Josie nodded as she walked over to the side of the lake and sat down while Hope disappeared behind a tree. After a few minutes Hope walked out from behind the tree and walked over to Josie laying down behind her so that Josie could use her as a pillow.

Josie and Hope laid in silence for a while until Hope whined. Josie knew it was her way of trying to get her to start talking so she sighed as she began speaking "I'm conflicted Hope. I love Finch... But I think I love you to". Josie heard Hopes heartrate increase. "I wish that things were easier. That I didn't have to feel torn between both of you. but I know I need to make a decision. I love being around you, You understand me, you value me, you are gorgeous and have the softest lips. And when you kiss me I feel like there's nothing more I could ever want. And with Finch, I know she loves me, I know she values me, I know she would do anything for me she makes me happy. I don't know what to do Hope and its frustrating me". Hope whined a little as she turned her head licking Josie's face. She stayed watching as Josie just laid deep in thought, Hope thought she was perfect. 

Hope had been laying with Josie in silence now for a while and knew that the girl had fallen asleep. Hope watched as she slept and couldn't help but think she looked so comfortable and relaxed. Hope was snapped out of her thoughts when she heard a howls coming from the school  indicating that the moon had reached Its apex and Finch's pack had all shifted. Hope looked down at Josie then stood up. She felt restless and needed to run so taking one last look at the girl she headed off into the woods. Hope didn't run for long as she didn't want to leave Josie unattended so after a hour she headed back in the direction she had come from. When Hope reached the opening however she didn't see Josie anywhere, Hope looked around but couldn't see her and began worrying. Hope ran over to where She last saw Josie and managed to pick up on her scent and without hesitation she began following it.

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