Weekend plans

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Josie had been hanging around with Finch all week. They had been out to get food together, they spent break and lunch together, they sometimes shared classes with each other and Josie had enjoyed every second. They had got to know each other a lot  more by now but there was still 1 thing that Josie was hiding from Finch, and that was the fact she was a witch. Josie and Finch had made plans to meet in the town and do a little bit of shopping this afternoon. Originally Finch had wanted to watch movies with Josie but Due to the witches, wolves and other super naturals Josie Lived with she couldn't invite Finch to her room. 

It was still early and Josie was sitting on her bed reading a book when Lizzie walked in with Hope. Josie raised her eyebrow and looked at Lizzie "I didn't realise that you two were best friends now". Lizzie rolled her eyes "Well, someone has to hang around with her since you left and who knows her better than me?". Josie just shrugged and continued reading when Hope sat on the bottom of her bed "I miss you, Jo. Things aren't the same here without you". Josie smiled and put her book down "I miss you to, Sometimes". they both laughed a bit and engaged in light conversation until Josie's phone buzzed Josie picked it up and saw a text from Finch


Finch: Can't wait to see you later xox

Josie: Neither, it will be fun xox

(end text)

Josie smiled as she typed back her response "Who's that?" Josie looked up and saw Hope who looked a little annoyed. Just as she was about to answer Lizzie spoke up "That is probably her Girlfriend". Josie saw Hope's face drop as she slowly nodded her head "Oh right". Josie turned and looked at Lizzie rolling her eyes "She's not my girlfriend Lizzie were just friends". Once Lizzie had finished mocking her Josie stood up and opened her drawer grabbing some clothes out and Finch's Jacket. She put the clothes next to Hope on her bed when Hope suddenly seemed uneasy "Jo, Who's jacket is that?". Josie picked up on Hope's sudden mood change but didn't say anything about it "It's Finch's, why?" Hope didn't answer her and instead stood up grabbing Lizzie and pulling her out the room after telling Josie she would see her later. Josie was confused at Hope's sudden departure but none the less she ignored it before heading to have a shower and get ready for her afternoon.

Finch and Josie had planned to meet outside the Salvatore gates, Finch was going to give her a lift into town, then decide what  to do after that. Josie was stood patiently when Finch pulled up in front of her. Josie smiled and climbed on after putting her helmet on and they headed towards the town. Once they arrived Finch parked her scooter outside the mystic grill. They then took a short walk and went into a few shops. Josie had bought herself a new outfit and some sweets and Finch had done the same, After a short walk back to the grill they stood by Finch's bike talking. They were both discussing what they were going to do next when Finch suggested they go back to hers. Josie agreed and they climbed on Finch's bike which probably wasn't the safest thing as they had all there shopping with them, However Finch had promised to ride safely. After about 15 minutes on the back of the bike they pulled up to an apartment. Finch parked just outside on the narrow driveway before she climbed off the scooter offering Josie her hand.

Once Josie had climbed off of Finch's bike she followed her in and put her stuff on the floor just inside the door. It was a small one bedroom place but it was Quite neat and clean. Josie followed Finch down the hall a little bit before she turned into a medium sized front room. Finch sat on the couch and offered the seat next to her to Josie, Who didn't hesitate to sit down. "It's a nice place here". Josie watched as Finch smiled "Thank you, I decorated myself". Josie smiled before speaking again "So, what do you want to do?". Finch Stood up turning the small tv on and grabbing the remote "How about we watch a film?" Josie nodded as Finch Loaded up Netflix. They sat looking for a film to watch when they settled on life of the party. 

During the movie Josie had found herself laying on Finch's lap while Finch was playing with her hair. Time must had just disappeared for a second because the next time she looked at her phone it was late. Josie looked at Finch who had fallen asleep and smiled as she got up trying to be quiet, She then pulled out her phone and dialled her dad in the other room speaking quietly "Hey dad, I'm not back at the school yet, I know it's dark out now but I'll check the bus times or grab a motel, Sorry I've left it so late". Once Josie got off the phone she turned around and jumped seeing Finch standing behind her "Seriously, are you a ninja or something?". Finch giggled "No. I'm not a ninja, I did however over hear you saying about sleeping in a motel". Josie nodded "Yeah, I told my dad that I would check the bus times and let him know if any go back towards the school". 

Josie started typing in her phone when she felt it get taken out of her hand "You could just stay here, Tell your dad you checked and that none were running so you have to stay at a motel... Then stay here instead". Josie was quiet for a second contemplating it, "Fine, I'll text him and Lizzie now". Josie saw Finch grin triumphantly As she handed Josie her phone back "great, one warning though, I only have 1 bed". Finch wandered off into another room as Josie blushed lightly at the thought of spending the night in Finch's bed. Josie looked down at her phone before pulling up her father and sister's numbers, She then text them both telling them she would be home tomorrow and headed into the room that Finch had just entered. 

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