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Josie was sitting on her bed. She now knew she had a decision between Hope and Finch. Josie was just sat trying to think about what to do when Lizzie walked in "Hey Jo. Can I talk to you about something?" Josie nodded and Lizzie walked over and sat with her "Okay, So, Hope did a thing". Josie raised her eyebrow at her twin "I'm assuming you mean that she told Finch to get back with me". Lizzie sighed and nodded "Yeah, that. But she also kind of made a deal with Finch". Josie was intrigued by this so pushed for a explanation "Okay, what deal?" Lizzie sighed as she answered Josie's question "She said that if you choose to be with Finch. She will stay away from you". Josie felt her heart rate pick up a little bit "What do you mean? She can't stay away from me. She's my best friend". Lizzie shrugged "Well, that's what she said so-" Lizzie was cut off by Josie as she stood up "Where are you going?" Josie looked at Lizzie "I need to see Hope". 

Hope was sitting in her room reading when her door flew open. Hope jumped to her feet surprised by the sudden intrusion "What the hell Josie?" Josie closed Hope's door behind her "Hope, my sister told me that you was going to stay away from me. What the hell would you do that for?" Hope looked at Josie who looked angry and it was the first time in a while she had seen Josie like this "Jo, I Just thought-" Josie cut Hope off "There's no just thought about it Hope. You told me you like me. You kissed me And now you want to stay away from me? I don't understand. If I meant anything to you, staying away from me would have never even crossed your mind. Regardless of What was happening". Hope looked at the floor for a minute then back at Josie "Jo, Please hear me out. I just wanted what was best for you, And right now I feel like it's Finch". Josie felt her heart break a little. Yes she loved Finch, but her and Hope had history, they had a connection, She thought that Hope Felt that to. Josie laughed emotionlessly as she answered Hope "Seriously? If you thought that Finch was the best thing for me, Why did you kiss me? Why did you confess to liking me?" Hope was silent thinking for a second "Because I love you Josie". 

Josie stepped a little closer to Hope "Then why are you so insistent on trying to get me back with Finch?" Hope looked up at Josie and saw how sad she looked "Because I want you to be happy Jo. I see the way you are since Finch left you and you seem so hurt. I can't stand it. It hurts me seeing you hurt". Josie frowned a little as she looked away from Hope "Do you really want me back with Finch?" Hope looked at Josie "Of course I don't. I want you to be with me. It's  all I have wanted for a while. But You were happy with her". Josie went silent for a moment before nodding "Finch said she would take me back, but she said it's my choice what I want". Hope frowned a little and nodded "And what do you want?" Josie just shook her head at Hope "I don't know. I need some time to think about it. But there's one thing I know I do want, And that is you to stay in my life no matter what decision I make". Hope nodded at Josie as she reached out and pulled her into a hug "Okay love, Whatever you want". 

Josie exited Hopes room and her head was swimming with thoughts. Josie started feeling stressed and decided to go and take a walk, but before that she headed to her fathers office,  sneaking in and stealing his bourbon from his top drawer. Josie headed out to the woods and began walking through them until she reached the docks. Sitting down she then opened her dads drink and took a mouthful, as she began thinking hard about her choice. Josie wasn't sure how long she had been thinking and drinking but before long she realised it was dark and she had drunk maybe a little too much. Josie laid backwards on the docks her legs dangling off the edge and the now half empty bottle next to her as everything felt like it was moving. Josie closed her eyes and just laid there for a little longer letting her thoughts take over her head.

Josie must have fallen asleep as the next thing she remembered was waking up to the sound of rustling in the bush next to her. Josie sat up and rolled her eyes not to bothered as she saw the bottle still next to her. Josie picked it up and took a mouthful when she heard a soft whimper, Josie looked in the direction it came from and spotted a white wolf looking at her. Josie smiled lightly as she attempted to speak trying to sound less drunk than what she was but failing miserably "Hey Hopee, What brings you to the docks?" Hope walked forward a little and Josie went to take another mouthful of drink when she whimpered again. Josie put the bottle down and sighed "Hope what's wrong?" Hope walked over to the bottle before looking at it then back at Josie "Oh that? Yeah, I just thought it would help me with my decision. Instead, It got me drunk. But It's fine. I feel good". Hope whimpered again as she walked over to Josie licking her cheek. Josie tried pushing Hope away but instead fell backwards and began giggling "Oops". Hope was concerned by Josie so she decided to head behind a tree and shift back. Luckily she had spare clothes hidden not to far away. 

Hope ran off and shifted changing into some clothes before making the short walk back to Josie. Once she got there however she noticed a black wolf sitting next to her, Hope sighed as she walked out locking eyes with The black wolf. "I found her like this a few minutes ago. She's drunk". Hope went to step closer to Josie when the black wolf got in her way and growled lowly.  Hope flashed her eyes and growled lowly back but the black wolf didn't budge, She then rolled her eyes and spoke again "Finch, I need to take her back to the school. It's dark, she's drunk and it's dangerous. Now move out my way before I throw your ass into the lake". Finch growled once more but reluctantly stepped aside allowing Hope to approach Josie, Once she was closer she leaned down Lifting her up "Come on you, I'll take you back to your room". Josie just leaned on Hope and hummed as Hope began leading  her back towards the school, Well aware she was being followed by Finch. 

Finsie/Hosie: My WolfWhere stories live. Discover now