Unknown Plans

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Finch and Josie had just finished their breakfast and had decide to watch a film. They were laying down on the Couch together cuddling, when Finch sat up and leaned forward pausing the film. Josie Sat up confused and looked at Finch "What's wrong? why'd you pause it?". Finch was quiet for a second and it was putting Josie on edge But she was soon relieved when Finch spoke "What are we?" Josie raised her eyebrow questioningly "What do you mean what are we?" Josie sat quietly, she knew what Finch had meant but needed to hear her say it. 

After another short silence Finch spoke again "Like, I know that we haven't known Each other that long, But I really like you Jo. We flirt and we go on study dates and we've been on some normal dates. You wear my hoodies, But I want to know if you want more? I want to be with you as in Properly with you like your girlfriend, But if it's to soon You got to let me know". Josie was quiet for a minute taking in everything that Finch had said. She liked Finch, and it would be nice to be her girlfriend. But then there was the whole wolf thing that she wasn't meant to know about, and that Kind of Complicated things. Josie thought hard for a minute until she decided that she would take the risk. Smiling Josie Took Finch's hand in hers "I like you Finch, You are mysterious and a little bit wild. But your also so gentle and caring. I would Love to be your Girlfriend, But only if you want it as much as me". As soon as Josie was Finished talking she Felt Finch Kiss her. 

It was Finch and Josie's first Kiss and Josie felt like she was on fire every inch of her wanted more but she managed against it. She was going to take it slow until She thought Finch was ready. After Kissing for what felt like a while, They were Interrupted by Josie's Phone Ringing. Finch was first to pull away and Josie immediately missed the contact. Taking a deep breath to steady herself from the heated Kiss, Josie Picked up her phone and answered it. "Hello?" Josie wasn't surprised to hear Lizzie's Voice down the speaker. "Josette Saltzman, Dad wants you home, he said you had lied to him about where you was last night". Josie wondered how her father knew, then she remembered her conversation with Hope at 2.00am this morning. Josie was now pissed off but she didn't show it Instead she told Lizzie she would be home soon and hung up. 

Once Josie was off the phone she Looked at Finch "Your upset". Josie raised her eyebrow "How do you know?". Finch Shrugged brushing Josie's question off "Intuition, I just know these things". Josie didn't push further in case she gave away the fact that she knew about Finch's secret. "What's made you upset?". Josie smiled lightly before standing up "My friend, called me early this morning just wondering where I was. I told her I was here but I asked her not to tell my father. Turns out she did tell him and now I'm in trouble". Finch stood up and wrapped her arms around Josie "It's fine, What's a little bit of trouble. If you want, I can come into the school and tell your dad it was all my fault". Josie smiled and turned around quickly Kissing Finch. "No it's okay, he will probably ground me for a day and that's that". Finch smiled at Josie "Well that's not so bad, If he grounds you tonight, Then you can still see me tomorrow". Josie laughed a little "Well what if I wanted to see you tonight?" Josie waited for and answer but instead Finch's face turned a little more serious "You wouldn't be able to see me tonight anyway Jo, I have thing's I have to do, But I will miss you". 

Josie was curious as to why Finch couldn't hang out, Yes she had said she had plans, But what were they? Josie found it a bit weird and tried questioning Finch Further But got no Real explanation. Josie finally gave in and dropped the subject before heading into Finch's room and putting her clothes from yesterday back on. She then turned to Finch who had just Finished getting changed as well. "Can I keep this hoodie?" Finch looked at Josie and Smiled widely "Yes of course you can". Josie made a happy little squeal causing Finch to laugh. Once Josie had her bags and stuff from her shopping yesterday, she put on a helmet and climbed onto the back of Finch's bike, as she had offered to take Josie home. Josie sent a quick message to her dad and Lizzie and they headed back.

The ride back from Finch's was quiet, Mostly because of the engine, so they couldn't hear each other if they spoke. As They pulled up to the gates of the Salvatore school, Josie noticed Hope waiting for them. She sighed as Finch stopped the bike and climbed off helping her get off. Josie greeted Hope but made it clear that she wasn't happy to see her, before turning to Finch "Thank you for the ride home, I appreciate it". Josie Hugged Finch and let go but just as she was walking towards Hope she  felt herself get pulled back as Finch Stood in front of her protectively while staring Hope down

"Erhm, Josie two things, Whos this 5ft of trouble and Are you sure you have to stay here. You can come back to mine. I'm out all night but the place is yours if you want". Josie looked at Finch wondering what the hell had happened, but she smiled instead of questioning it "Erm, Yea, I have to stay here, I have to talk to my dad or I'll never hear the end of it and this is my friend Hope". Josie was looking between Finch and Hope as there eyes didn't move off of one another. Feeling slightly awkward Josie walked around Finch and stood in front of her, blocking her view of Hope and Causing Finch to snap out of whatever was going on.

 Josie leaned down and Kissed Finch, thanking her once more as she walked through the school gates with Hope. The entire way as she walked towards the main entrance Josie could feel Someone watching her, however she didn't turn around. Once she got in the door Josie put her bags down and let out a breath she didn't realized she was holding. She then heard Hope speak next to her, "Well That was a bit hostile". Josie turned to hope scowling, she didn't know why Hope had a issue with Finch and assumed it was a wolf thing. However Josie wasn't going to bother questioning it yet and instead Just Gave Hope an evil Look as she picked up her stuff and headed to Her Dad's office. 

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