First day

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Josie woke up with a smile on her face. She Dragged herself up out of bed and went and ran a shower while she picked an outfit for the day. Once she had decided what to wear she put it all out neatly and went for her shower. Once Josie had finished she got out the shower wrapping her towel around her and heading back into her room. Josie smiled as she saw Lizzie had finally woken up. She knew her sister hated mornings so she took it upon herself to annoy her. Josie laughed as she opened the curtains "Good morning sleepyhead". Josie laughed even more hearing her sisters Response "Josette Saltzman, if you don't close them curtains in 2 seconds I will set all your belongings on fire. Josie had stopped laughing now but was still proud of herself for getting under her sisters skin. Josie grabbed her clothes and headed back into the bathroom before getting dressed and ready for her day. 

Before leaving for school, Josie headed down to the canteen and grabbed some food. Once she had finished she stood up ready to leave the canteen when she saw Hope who looked agitated. Josie walked up to her to check if she was okay "Hope, are you okay? you seem agitated". Josie waited for a response but was surprised by Hope's outburst "Yes I'm fine, haven't you got a school to be at or something?" Josie nodded and just left as she couldn't be bothered to deal with Hope's mood today. 

(time skip)

Josie walked into Mystic falls and went to reception to get her Timetable, locker combination and locker number. Once she had it she headed to where her locker would be following the rows and counting. when she got to her locker Josie stopped for a minute, it was decorated with streamers and a sign saying welcome Josie. Josie smiled to herself then heard a voice next to her "Hey, Jo". Josie jumped slightly then looked in the direction the voice came from. She smiled as her eyes landed on Finch. "Hey Finch, did you do this to my locker?" Josie turned back to her locker as Finch answered "Yes, I believe I did". Josie felt overwhelmed no one had treated her like this before except for Penelope, it was usually everyone tip toing around Lizzie not giving Josie any time, but here it felt different Josie felt more in control of her life. Josie turned to where Finch was now leaning up against the lockers. "well Thank you, this means a lot".

Josie stood looking at Finch for a second until the bell rang. Josie smiled apologetically almost, as she turned away and pulled her timetable out to checked what lesson she had first. Seeing it was math she grabbed her needed textbook and pencil case and turned to say bye to Finch, when she felt her books get pulled away from her. She stood back as Finch held her book and pencil case smiling "Let me carry these for you". Josie smiled and Followed Finch as they headed towards her math class.

All during Math Josie had noticed that she kept looking at Finch who was a few desks in front. She really wanted to get to know this girl better but she seemed kind of like the type of person who liked being alone, and Josie didn't want to impose. Instead Josie decided to study Finch from a distance, not in a stalker way but just see what she was like without getting in her space. Time must have flown past, because the next thing Josie noticed was the bell ringing. Josie quickly checked her timetable before standing up and gathering her book and pencil case.

Once she had got her stuff she headed out the classroom to her next lesson, but halfway down the corridor Josie heard a familiar voice. "Josie, Wait up". Josie stopped and turned around seeing Finch right behind her, she jumped back a little bit holding her hand to her heart "you are so quiet I didn't even hear you until you spoke". Josie waited for a response but instead Finch just smirked and shrugged her shoulders Josie giggled before continuing to talk "So, What lesson do you have now because if we stand here for to long talking were going to be late, and I don't really want to be late to class on my first day".

Josie watched as Finch pulled out her timetable, "I have P.E and you have the same". Josie raised her eyebrow "how did you know?" Josie smiled as her and Finch began walking towards the locker rooms, all the while Finch explained how she knew "I'm the one who printed your timetable and I may have taken some time to read it". Josie nodded before looking at Finch mockingly "That's very stalkery of you". Josie heard Finch laugh and felt like her stomach had butterflys.

Not long after the laughing died down, they arrived at the locker rooms. Josie took out her stuff and began getting undressed soon followed by Finch. Her and Finch must have spent too long in the halls talking as they were the only ones in the Locker rooms. Josie pulled her shirt on but something caught the corner of her eye it looked like Finch's eyes had gone gold for a second. Josie Choose to ignore it however thinking it was because she spent too much time around wolves. Josie continued to dress until she was ready she then turned to Finch but she seemed different, Josie didn't say anything and instead just smiled and told Finch she would meet her outside and headed out to meet the rest of the class on the field.

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