Just be careful

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Josie walked into Finch's room and quickly turned around as she was getting changed, Finch laughed "Jo, it's fine you can turn around I'm not bothered". Josie turned around and went and sat on Finch's bed "Sorry". After about 5 minutes Finch had got ready for bed but Josie remembered that she didn't have any pyjamas. As if Finch had read her mind she threw Josie a baggy hoodie "Here put this on, it should fit, I would offer you some bottoms but I don't think they would fit as your taller than me. but hey, who needs bottoms?" Josie's face went bright red "W-What". Finch giggled before turning from Josie and heading out of her room "Don't worry, if your not comfortable I'll sleep on the sofa". Josie went quiet a second before taking her top off and throwing the hoodie on she then removed her bottoms. She folded them up neatly before heading out to the front room where Finch was laying on the sofa Josie leaned up against the door frame looking at Finch who knew she was there without even turning around somehow.

"you can sleep in the bed with me if you want to, it is yours after all". Josie stood and waited for Finch Who stood up and stalked over to her like a wolf "You better not snore". Josie giggle before following Finch "It's been a while since anyone's been in the position to tell me if I Do, I don't sleep early". They both got to Finch's room And crawled into the bed, Finch then grabbed her laptop from her Bedside table and put Netflix on. It was about 2.00am when Josie woke to her phone buzzing, She checked the caller ID and saw it was Hope. Picking it up and sneaking out of Finch's room she walked into the kitchen and answered. 

"Hope, It's 2.00am, the school better be infested with demons or something if your calling me this early". Josie Waited for Hope's response "Where are you?" Josie didn't know why It mattered especially because of the time "Why does it matter to you where I am?" Josie could hear Hope Getting frustrated on the other end of the phone "Just tell me where you are Jo, or I will wake Lizzie, and she can help me do a locator spell and I'll find you that way". Josie sighed "Don't tell my dad but I'm at Finch's". There was silence on the phone for a second until Hope spoke once again "Okay Jo listen carefully, Finch isn't who you think she is, there's more to her than that". Josie was intrigued but at the same time felt like she was being lied to, She had spent all week with Finch and there was nothing out of the ordinary. Apart from the occasional Anger outbursts. Josie really couldn't be asked with a paranoid Hope right now but still she asked "Okay, what's wrong with her then?". Josie was listening Intently as Hope explained "Finch is a wolf Jo, I could smell her hoodie when you took it out your drawer yesterday morning". Josie was silent for a minute but thought back to her time with Finch to try and find any signs Emotional outbursts, Josie though she saw her eye's turn gold in the locker room, Her strength when she picked Her up, The protective and possessiveness although they weren't even together yet.  Josie was froze for a second, she had been possibly dating a wolf this entire time, she took a deep breath before thanking Hope for telling her, Hope warned her to be careful and phone her if she needed to before she hung up. Josie was beyond tired right now but she had so much to process that she knew she would have trouble getting back to sleep. 

Josie walked back in the bedroom Where Finch was still fast asleep, She climbed back in bed with her. Josie really liked Finch and the fact she was a wolf didn't bother her, she did however have a choice now, She could either tell her she knew or pretend like she didn't know and Let Finch tell her when she was ready. Josie was finally Dozing back off to sleep after a hour or two when she felt Finch put her arm over her. Josie Jumped a little bit not expecting the contact but welcomed it anyway. 

Josie woke up to the smell of cooking, She turned around and noticed Finch wasn't in the bed next to her, Rolling back over to her side. Josie picked up her phone checking the time it was 10.30am Josie couldn't remember the last time she had slept in this long. She also checked if she had any messages and of course she did Josie read through them and Quickly replied, before climbing out of bed and heading into the kitchen. 

Walking in Josie smiled she as she saw Finch standing there making pancakes. As if on Cue Finch turned around and smiled at her "Good morning sunshine, I'm making you pancakes. I know you don't eat bacon for some reason so I'll make mine after, I did however run to the store this morning and grab some syrup and some fresh fruit for you to have as a topping". Josie was lost for words, she couldn't stop smiling as she walked further into the kitchen and sat at the table "Thank you Finch, But you didn't have to do this, I could have picked myself something up later". 

Josie sat quietly waiting for her breakfast to be done. Once Finch had finished the pancakes, she put them on a plate and quickly chopped up some strawberries, some blueberries and a banana before placing them on top and adding syrup and some whipped cream. "Here, Jo. I hope you enjoy them". Josie watched as Finch placed the plate in front of her and handed her a knife and fork, Before turning back round and adding some new Pancake batter to the pan with some bacon. 

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