She didn't mean to

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Josie was standing in Finch's kitchen listening as Finch spoke to whoever was at the door. Instantly she recognized the answering voice "I was looking for my sister, I used a locator spell so I know she's here". Josie walked out of Finch's kitchen and down the short hall until she was standing behind Finch "Lizzie, What's up?" Lizzie went to speak when she noticed a bandage on Josie's neck "What happened to you?" Lizzie walked closer pushing past Finch as she tried checking her sisters neck. But Josie just pushed her back "Nothing I'm fine, Just leave it". Lizzie looked at Finch angrily then back at Josie "What happened Jo?" Josie just shook her head "I said nothing, What are you doing here?" Lizzie frowned at Finch then looked back at Josie "Can we talk privately?" Josie just nodded As she turned to Finch "I'll be right back". Finch nodded and Kissed Josie as Josie stepped out the door following her sister.

Josie and Lizzie were now sitting in a park on the swings away from Finch's. Josie turned to Lizzie to find out what she wanted "So what did you want to talk to me about?" Lizzie looked at her sister and began talking "I just want to make sure your being safe with Finch. New werewolf's can be dangerous, they can't control all there emotions and stuff like that yet. And she has already left hickies all over you". Josie just shrugged as she spoke "And? you've had hickies before to Lizzie". Lizzie nodded "Yeah true, It's just it seems like Finch had ulterior motives behind the hickies, She wanted to show off to everyone, warn them away from you". Josie once again shrugged "So what, she rightfully should, I'm her girlfriend". Lizzie sighed at Josie "Jo, I know that, But she seems very possessive and controlling, It seems like she doesn't value you as her girlfriend but thinks of you more as her property". Josie sighed a little looking at Lizzie "Okay, listen, Finch isn't perfect, But no one is. She can't help how she is, She's a wolf Liz, Its her nature to be like that" Lizzie went to speak again when she heard rustling behind her considering it was Dark both the girls were on edge they stood up and Lizzie grabbed Josie's hand "How do you have magic?" Josie blushed a little "I may have got carried away and started siphoning from Finch when we were-" Lizzie cut Josie off "Please, don't finish that sentence". Josie just nodded then they heard the rustling again.

Lizzie siphoned some power from Josie so they both had some magic. They stood looking at the bush that the rustling was coming from until Josie Finally had enough. Letting go she began chanting but stopped as a White wolf walked out from behind the bush. "Hope? What are you doing this far from the school? and why are you in this neighbourhood specifically?" Hope whined a little as she walked over to Josie nipping her shirt trying to pull her "Hope, cut it out what do you want?" Hope began nipping her shirt and pulling her again and Josie finally gave in. Sighing she began following the white wolf  with Lizzie. They walked for about 10 minutes until they arrived at a opening by a lake, Hope walked over to the edge of it laying down as she waited for Josie and Lizzie to Join her. Once both the twins were sat down Hope laid down putting her head on Josie's lap. Josie subconsciously started Stroking Hope's head "Is this what you wanted?" Hope looked up at Josie and licked her face but upon doing that she noticed the bandage on Josie's neck. Hope pulled away a little growling as she looked at it. Josie noticed where Hope was looking and quickly covered it with her hand "Hope, Its okay. Don't be worried". Hope went quiet and looked at Lizzie "Yeah, I've asked her what happened already, she won't tell me". Hope looked back at Josie whining a little, Josie hated it when Hope did that because she couldn't resist it. Sighing a little she began speaking and Hope laid putting her head back in Josie's lap "Me and Finch were you know, But when it was my turn to be on top Finch seemed tense. I didn't want her to feel uncomfortable so I told her she could be in control, Then her eyes went gold almost like her wolf had taken over for a brief amount of time. Anyway we began kissing again and she must have got carried away because she bit me a little to hard".

Lizzie looked at Josie disgusted as Hope was now sitting up growling and whining almost like she was angry and sad. Josie however knew how to handle Hope like this, so reaching out she placed her hand on the wolfs chest and began rubbing circles slowly "Hey Hope, It's okay, you don't need to be angry or sad I'm okay". Hope huffed a little but seemed calmer now. Josie smiled pulling her hand away from the wolf as Lizzie was now speaking to her "Jo, That sounds dangerous. What if she like ripped your throat out or something?" Josie giggled a little at Lizzies overreaction "Lizzie, she didn't mean to okay it wasn't her. It was her wolf". Lizzie just sighed as she answered her sister back "Just be careful Jo". Josie Nodded then her phone started ringing pulling it out she checked the caller I.D seeing Finch's name. Smiling lightly she answered "Hey baby". Josie watched As Hope cocked her head to the side clearly listening to the phone call "Hey Jo, When are you coming back?" Josie checked the time seeing it was now 8pm "I'll be back soon love, I'm just with Lizzie and Hope". Josie was sure she heard Finch growl down the phone "Where are you?" Josie went to speak when Hope whined a little almost like she didn't want Finch to know "You know what It doesn't matter, I'm coming Home now anyway see you soon?" all Finch said was fine before hanging up the phone. Josie went to stand up but Hope jumped on her pushing her to the floor and laying on her "Hope, I have to go". Hope just whined as she licked Josie's face "No, Hope. I have to go back to my girlfriend". Hope whined again and Huffed as Josie pushed her off and stood up. Turning to Lizzie "Will you be okay getting Home?" Lizzie just nodded "Yeah, I have Hope with me and I siphoned some magic from you so I'll be fine". Josie nodded then turned to Hope smiling lightly "Goodnight Hope, I will see you tomorrow at Lunch". Josie began walking away when she heard Hope Howl. Smiling to herself she disappeared up the path and back towards Finch's.

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