Alpha or Omega

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(Week time skip)

Finch woke up in Josie's bed. Since moving in and starting this school she had found her place pretty quickly, but only because Josie had a reputation at the school being she was the headmasters daughter. There were certain things she could get away with and do. She was also well respected by the students with the exception of a few due to a situation that happened a few months back. Finch smiled as she kissed Josie on the cheek, she had class so she was getting up to get ready. Things had been good between her and Josie with the exception of Hope being Everywhere she was.

Finch took one last look at Josie before heading out of the room and heading to her class. Walking in she saw Raf and a few boys sitting in the corner. They had been watching her since she had started the school. Finch walked over to a desk and sat down when she felt someone staring at her. Turning around Finch noticed that It was Hope who was sitting at the back. Finch sighed turning back around as the teacher entered the class "Hello everyone, Please get you notebooks out and prepare for the lesson to begin". Finch did as commanded along with the others as the lesson began.

The lesson was relatively interesting. It was about wolves and there behaviours and stuff like that. Finch felt good finally learning some more about herself. Josie had already taught her some stuff but it was just basic but now she was learning more in depth stuff. It was the end of class now and Finch Knew Josie would be in the canteen waiting for her. Packing her stuff away, she headed towards the door noticing that Hope was already gone. It didn't take long for Finch to reach the canteen and walking in she instantly spotted Josie. She was sitting with Lizzie, Landon, MG and of course Hope.

Finch walked over and leaned down kissing Josie on the temple while giving Hope a evil look. Josie was happy to see her and instantly smiled as she asked how her morning was going and How classes were. Finch and Josie were currently talking when Raf walked over with his pack "Wolves usually eat outside". Finch just looked up at him not bothered by his appearance "I'm happy eating with my girlfriend thanks". Everyone was watching as Finch turned away picking up a piece of fruit from Josie's tray and eating it. "I'll give you one more chance to submit". Finch rolled her eyes as she stood up locking eyes with Raf "I will not submit to you". Raf stood staring at Finch and vice versa until Josie stood up "Well, I've got to head out, got some stuff to do. Hope, I'll see you later?". Hope nodded and Then Josie turned to Finch as she spoke "You coming?". Finch nodded and took Josie's books before she said bye to everyone and Followed Josie out of the canteen.

Once Josie and Finch had left, the wolves also left leaving Landon, Hope, MG and Lizzie alone. "Did anyone else feel that tension? That was crazy". Hope turned to MG "That's wolves for you, were tricky creatures. But if Finch carry's on she's gonna get herself beaten up". Hope smiled slightly at that thought.

(Time skip)

Finch was walking down the Hall when Raf approached her with two other wolves. Finch sighed as Raf spoke to her "I don't know why your refusing to Join my pack, but now you go here you have to". Finch just frowned as she looked up at Raf "Fuck. off". Raf growled as he forced Finch to the floor "Fine you won't submit, I'll make you submit". Finch grinned as she stood up. She then grabbed Raf throwing him into the wall by his neck before walking over to him and punching him in the face. Raf forced himself up as he launched at her but she dodged it with ease and used her arm to smash his head into the wall. Raf fell to the floor bleeding as Finch turned to the two wolves that were watching "Tell the pack there's a new Alpha at this school". Almost immediately they complied and Finch grinned. She then looked down at Raf "No hard feelings, but your pack now belongs to me". Raf looked up at her angrily but nodded as she stood above him.

Finch headed off leaving Raf on the floor, She went to her next lesson and sat listening as the teacher spoke, but all she wanted to do was see what her new pack was like. It felt like an eternity but class was Finally over and Finch was heading to the gym where Raf's old pack/Her new pack hung out. Walking in she saw Raf sitting on the benches but almost immediately all the wolves looked up at her and walked over. She greeted them all and introduced herself before explaining that she was the new Alpha and that they answered to her. All the wolves nodded including Raf before they all decided to play dodge ball. Finch must have lost time as the next thing she remembered was hearing a voice in the doorway. Finch looked over instantly knowing the scent to be Josie's. Finch smirked as Josie walked in the gym but frowned a little seeing she was with Hope. However she forced herself to smile as she walked over to the girls "Hey Baby, What's going on here Did you join the pack?" Finch grinned as she nodded "Kind of". Josie raised her eyebrow in a questioning manner But Hope could already sense what Finch meant, And for some reason it made her angry. "What do you mean kind of?"  

Finch turned to the wolves calling them all over. They obeyed as they stood all around her, she then turned back to Josie "Your now Dating the new Alpha of the Salvatore school". Josie's mouth fell open as she looked at Raf "Is this true?" Raf just nodded as he looked away, clearly embarrassed and broody about being beaten and over taken by a girl. Josie looked back at Finch was currently standing and smirking before turning and talking to the pack "You guys know Josette Saltzman right?" The pack nodded and some of them smiled and waved before Finch continued talking "Good, I want you to all keep your eyes on her, make sure she's safe, protect her at all costs help her if she ever needs it okay?" Josie went to speak but the pack were already nodding and agreeing "Good, now feel free to leave, we will meet here Lunch and break times until I say otherwise okay?" The pack once again complied as they nodded and headed to do there own things. Finch turned back to Josie smiling "Your under mine and my packs watch now baby". Josie just nodded as Finch walked closer kissing her. Hope stood looking at the two as she felt pure anger building up inside her, With Finch's pack now watching Josie's every move and being Loyal to Finch, Hope knew that it was going to become extremely difficult to get time alone with Josie.

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