Getting to know you

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It was 6.25 now and Josie was waiting in front of the gates, she double checked her outfit brushing it down when she heard the sound of a engine. Josie looked up as Finch rode up the road on her scooter. Josie smiled as she pulled up in front of her and turned the engine off. "Josie, Wow, you look great, but your hair may get messed up, here put this on". Josie watched as Finch handed her a helmet, Josie put it on and was about to do it up when Finch stepped closer to her and Did it for her. Josie felt butterfly's in her stomach being this close to Finch, There was something about the girl that was so alluring and Josie wanted to know everything about her. Once the helmet was done Josie climbed on the back of Finch's scooter, They pulled away slowly but with enough force that Josie put her hands around Finch's waist tightly. She saw goose bumps rise on the girls skin as she squeezed and grinned to herself. 

They finally arrived at the grill and Josie hopped off of the scooter taking her helmet off and passing it to Finch "Thanks for the ride". they both headed in when they were greeted by a boy who looked about there age "Hey Finch, couldn't stay away on your evening off?" Josie was surprised to hear that she worked here and made a mental note to ask her about it once they were eating. After a short conversation between Finch and the boy, they headed over to a corner table and sat down, Finch grabbed 2 menu's giving one to Josie and keeping one for herself. They both engaged in light conversation until they had decided what to have. They both told the waiter there orders and then turned to each other, Josie was the first to speak. 

"So Finch, I Want to get to know you better considering were going to be class mates, so tell me a bit about yourself". Josie saw hesitation cross Finch's face for a second until she began speaking. "Well, you know my name so I don't have to elaborate on that. I Moved here on my own a few years ago, My family is pretty screwed up so I chose to leave when I was 14 and have been on my own ever since. I am a bit of a trouble maker, and that's why When we met a few days ago I was in the middle of my suspension, hence the tours and cleaning chalkboards. Now I've told you a little bit about myself, now you tell me something about you". 

Josie raised her eyebrow surprised by what Finch had told her but she didn't want to pry too much, as she figured that Finch would tell her more when she was ready. Josie was about to answer Finch when the waiter came over and handed them there food and drinks. Josie and Finch both thanked him before turning their attention back to each other. Josie smiled at Finch as she began to talk "Okay, a little bit about me, well, I guess you know my name, You know I live at the Salvatore Boarding school. I have a close relationship with both my parents, but I don't get to see my mum a lot because she travels. I have a twin sister called Lizzie, and I transferred to Mystic Falls High for a fresh start I guess".

Both the girls sat and ate while conversing for the next hour or two until they were interrupted by Josie's phone. Apologizing and excusing herself, Josie stood up and walked outside before answering it "Hello?". Josie was on the phone for about 10 minutes before walking back into the grill and over to Finch. "Sorry about that, it was my dad, he wants me home now". Finch stood up and nodded "That's fine, I'll take you home". Finch quickly pulled her money out putting it on the table before grabbing the helmets and gesturing for Josie to leave. They were back out in the parking lot now and climbed back on Finch's scooter pulling out and heading back towards the Salvatore school. Once they Arrived Josie climbed off and thanked Finch for the night, Josie had realised she was shivering and Finch must have noticed to, as she took off her jacket and wrapped it around Josie. Josie felt the jacket on her shoulders, It was un naturally warm but Josie didn't care too much. Josie watched as Finch climbed back on her scooter, and with one last goodnight Finch rode off. 

Josie grinned to herself, she had a great night. She had got to know a little bit more about Finch and in turn Finch had learned a little bit more about her. Josie walked back up towards the school and through the doors. She headed to her fathers office first to let him know she was home, before she headed back up to her room. Walking in Josie saw Lizzie laying on her bed watching something, Josie walked over and laid behind Lizzie Causing Lizzie to turn around "Josette Saltzman, How was your date? I assume that's why your dressed like that and wearing someone else's jacket". Josie hated how observant Lizzie could be sometimes when she wasn't focusing on herself. "It wasn't a date, Me and Finch just went and grabbed a friendly bite to eat, and she leant me her Jacket because I was a Little bit cold". Josie watched as Lizzie began laughing "Ok fine if it wasn't a date what did you talk about? who paid? Did she pick you up or did you get the bus?". Josie was quiet for a second before she shoved Lizzie a little bit "Okay shut up". After talking and laughing with Lizzie for a little bit Josie stood up and grabbed some pyjamas from the drawer. Before heading into the bathroom and Quickly getting ready for bed.

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