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Josie was laying in bed With Finch. Finch was currently sleeping while Josie was watching a film. Josie had been Distracted since coming back from the woods earlier. She couldn't stop thinking about Hope. She thought about all the things they had done together and all the looks they had exchanged, She thought about their late night conversations and their sneak outs after curfew to hang out at the lake. The memories made Josie fill with happiness. Josie sighed as she climbed out of bed and looked up at the moon, it was in its waxing crescent phase which meant in the next 10 days or so it would be the full moon. Josie looked over to Finch as the moon shone through the window and on her face. Josie felt bad for Finch considering she was forced to change and she couldn't control it. From what Josie had learned and seen it was painful and not a nice experience at all. Josie looked back out the window when an Idea struck her. Smiling lightly she went into her bag she had packed and pulled out a book she had been reading about wolves. Flipping through the pages Josie stopped when she got to a specific page, reading through it her smile went wide. Josie ripped the page out the book folding it up and placing it in her jacket pocket before climbing back into bed with her girlfriend. If her plan was going to work she was going to have to get up early.

Josie woke up at 9am, Finch was still asleep luckily so Josie snuck out her bed and quickly snuck out of the room. Josie grabbed her bag and Got dressed in the bathroom before going into Finch's front room and writing down a note for Finch. She then left the house and headed for the bus to town. Josie exited the bus outside the grill and headed straight for a old jewellery store not far from it. Walking in she greeted the man behind the counter "Hello sir, I was wondering if you could help me. I'm wondering if you have any black kyanite rings?" The man smiled as he went in the back before returning with two rings. One with a gold band and one with a silver band, Josie picked up the one with the silver band "This one w ill do nicely". The man nodded as he rung up the price for her, It wasn't to expensive but it wasn't exactly cheap either. Josie went in her purse pulling out her bank card as she paid for the ring. Once she had paid the man put it in a small grey velvet box and handed it to her. Josie thanked him and put it in her bag before leaving. Part one of her plan was done.

Josie stopped off at the grill and ordered herself some breakfast. While eating she scrolled through her messages answering only certain people back, She finally got t o a message from Hope and she felt her heart skip as she read it and answered


Hope: Hey Jo, I just wanted to ask if you heard me Howling last night. If you did I wanted you to know that It was because I was calling for you. I miss you, I loved spending time with you last night. It felt good being close to you like that again, Anyway I can't wait to see you at lunch xxx

Josie: Hey, I heard you, I would be able to hear you Howl miles away. I miss you to. It was so nice spending time with you as well It's still amazing to me seeing you all wolfied out your such a beautiful wolf. I can't wait to see you either xxx

(End texts)

Josie had finally finished her breakfast and was now heading back to the bus stop. She waited a short time for the bus before climbing on it. She sat with her earphones in until her stop not far from the Salvatore school. Josie arrived at the gate and headed into the school, She made her way to the library before walking in and headed over to the old spell books. Josie read through a few looking for a specific spell until she finally found what she was looking for. Josie book marked the page then put it in her bag, she then headed back to her room. Josie walked in and was relieved to see that Lizzie wasn't inside it, closing the door behind her she chanted a spell locking it before chanting again casting a silencing spell. Once she had done both them things she pulled out the ring and the book and opened it to the page she needed.

Josie siphoned some power from the floor as she began chanting Holding the ring. The more she chanted the more she felt the power flowing through her. The spell she was doing was complicated but wasn't dark luckily, Finally after a few minutes The spell was finished. Josie felt a little Dizzy from casting the spell but forced herself to stand up as there was a knock on her door. Josie put the ring away before siphoning the spell on the door and answering it. Josie was surprised to see Hope on the other side of the door "Hope? What are you doing here?" Josie noticed that Hope looked concerned as she grabbed Josie's face gently tilting her head back "What did you do?" Josie was confused as she spoke "What?" Hope quickly Chanted and the tissues on Lizzies side flew over to her. Catching them in her free hand Hope pulled Some out and held them over Josie's nose before leading her backwards to her bed. "You've clearly just done a powerful spell by yourself I can tell". Josie smiled lightly "It's okay Hope I was just trying something don't worry". Hope frowned looking down at Josie "Jo, please don't shut me out. What did you do?"

Josie sighed as she cleaned up her nose "I tried a spell for Finch. I don't know if it has worked yet or not until I next see her". Hope raised her eyebrow "What spell did you do for her?" Josie knew Hope would get angry if she knew the truth so she decided to tweak the truth a little "Just a protection talisman. nothing more". Hope frowned but nodded "Don't do powerful spells alone Jo, Your not invincible. If you push yourself to far it will kill you". Josie just nodded "Yeah, I know". Hope could see that Josie was tired so she took her shoes of and Climbed into Josie's bed "Want to take a nap with me like we used to?" Josie was hesitant a little but nodded as she also removed her shoes and climbed in next to Hope. They laid in silence for a moment until Hope pulled Josie into her "Sleep well Jo". Josie smiled as this feeling and it wasn't long before soon dozed off.

Finsie/Hosie: My WolfWhere stories live. Discover now