I know who I want

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Josie looked at Finch questioningly "You weren't going to ask?" Finch shook her head "You didn't mind last time, So I didn't think it would be a problem". Josie ran her hand through her hair "Last time you wasn't in control. This time you was. You should have asked". Finch frowned and took a step closer to Josie but this time Hope got in her way "Not a step closer". Finch frowned as she spoke "Jo, I'm sorry. I just care about you so much. I just want to be with you". Josie was quiet for a minute before frowning "Finch. You left me, And the only reason you came back was because Hope asked you to. Answer me something. If she wouldn't have said anything, Would you have still come back?" Finch was silent for a moment and Josie knew she had her answer "Finch, I think you should go". Finch went to talk but Hope just threw Finch's top at her and glared "Go, Now". Finch took one last look at Josie "I see you have made your decision now. I hope your happy". Finch put her top on then left the room.

Hope turned to Josie who was climbing out of her bed. Hope noticed the hickies all up her thigh, but also noticed some bruises formed around Josie's wrists. Frowning Hope Walked a little closer to Josie "Hey Jo?" Josie looked at Hope sadly "Yes?" Hope took a deep breath before talking "Have you made your decision?" Josie studied the concern and tension on Hopes face, Reaching out she cupped Hope's face lightly before gently running her Thumb down her cheek "Hope. It's been a difficult few months, So much has happened. But during all that, the one thing that has been consistent, Has been my feelings for you. So yes, I have made my decision. And my decision is you. I feel like deep down, It has always been you. But I don't want to Jump into anything with you yet. I Think I need some time to get over everything with Finch first. Is that okay?". 

Hope had stopped Listening after Josie had said that Her decision was her, She could feel her heart racing and the happiness inside her felt like it was  going to burst. Hope However was brought back to her senses when Josie tapped her lightly "Hope?" Hope cleared her throat and smiled "Sorry Jo, What was that last part?" Josie smiled lightly and spoke "I said that I just need a little time to get over everything with Finch. Is that okay?" Hope smiled and nodded "That's fine Jo, Take all the time you need". Josie smiled as she leaned in kissing Hope's cheek softly "Thank you Hope, You really are amazing". Hope smiled as Josie pulled her top back on and pulled her skirt down a little. Hope couldn't help but feel bothered however That Josie still had hickies and bruises from Finch so she decided to fix it. Hope bit into her wrist and offered it to Josie "Here Please drink. The marks are bothering me". Josie smiled lightly and nodded bringing Hopes wrist to her mouth and taking a mouthful of blood. Hope noticed the bruises on her wrist and the hickies start disappearing and smiled as she bought her wrist back. 

Josie picked up her phone and checked the time before looking at Hope "It's dinner time, Want to go and eat?" Hope nodded and offered Josie her hand. Josie took it and they headed down to the canteen together. Hope and Josie walked in and queued up before getting there dinner. They then headed over to the back table where Lizzie and MG were sitting and Joined them. Once they were both sitting down Lizzie smirked at Hope "What are you two doing together? I thought you were staying away from her?" Hope smiled as she answered Lizzie "Let's just say your sister is persuasive". Lizzie raised her eyebrow "She didn't sleep with you did she?" Hope went to answer when Josie spoke "Not yet". Hope's face turned red and Lizzie began giggling "Oh my god, I knew you two would hook up eventually, You have been in love with each other long enough". Hope looked at Josie and smiled as she watched her converse with her sister. She felt a warmth build up inside her chest and felt like there was nothing she could want more right now than to be here with Josie.

Hope was snapped out of her thoughts when MG spoke to her "You two are such a cute couple". Hope smiled as she looked at him "Were not a couple yet, She just wants a little time to get over Finch first but I told her it's fine". MG nodded "I understand that, I'm happy for you both though, I can't wait to see you together properly, no doubt Lizzie will come up with a ship name for you both". Hope laughed a little an nodded "Yeah, sounds like Lizzie". MG and Hope laughed a little gaining the twins attention "What are you both laughing at?" MG smiled as he spoke "I was just saying that I think that Hope and Josie are going to make a cute couple. Then I mentioned about you probably making ship names for them". Lizzie's face fell into a smile "You think I haven't already got a ship name for them?" MG laughed along with Hope and Josie "Okay what is it?" Lizzie smiled as she answered "Hosie of course".  

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