Hang out

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Josie woke up cuddled into Finch. Josie smiled as she recalled her sneak out with Hope last night and the kiss that Hope had placed on her lips. But Josie was soon hit with a wave of guilt as Finch stirred speaking "Morning my love, Did you sleep well?" Josie frowned but luckily Finch still had her eyes closed so she didn't see "Morning Baby, I slept fine thank you, did you?". Josie looked up kissing Finch who instantly kissed her back "I slept well thank you". Josie had changed last night as soon as she got back to the room so that Finch couldn't smell Hope on her clothes. Josie knew that If Finch knew that she was sneaking out it would cause some issues.

Finch groaned as she crawled out of bed unwrapping herself from Josie, what do you want for breakfast? Josie was silent a second before sitting up "How about we go out for breakfast, my treat". Finch just smiled and nodded "sure, the grill?". Josie smiled and nodded back "wherever you want". Finch smiled as she grabbed some clothes out and began getting dressed. Josie followed as she rolled out of bed opening her bag. Josie pulled some clothes out and began getting dressed when Finch spoke "I can smell a wolf... No scratch that, I can smell Hope". Josie frowned as she pulled her top on and bottoms. "It might be my clothes from yesterday, I'll put some spray on". Finch looked at her uncertain but nodded as she left the room to grab her scooter keys.

It wasn't long before Josie and Finch got to the grill, walking in they sat at a back table. After about 10 minutes of talking and laughing They placed their orders and stayed waiting for them. Once they arrived they began eating, Josie had pancakes with Fruit, whipped cream and syrup and Finch had bacon and syrup. If didn't take them long to finishe there food and they sat continuing to converse as they had their drinks. They spoke about all sorts from their plans for the day to classes tomorrow.

(Short time skip)

Finch and Josie arrived at the Salvatore school gates. Hope was already waiting and Finch didn't approve. Scowling at Josie Finch followed her through the gates and the corridors to Her room. Josie invited Finch and Hope in but Hope was reluctant at first, However Josie was very persuasive, and by persuasive, Hope meant Josie pouted once and she crumbled. Once in the room Josie layed on her bed, Finch laid one side while Hope laid the other "So what should we do?". Finch was first to speak "I suggest we watch ghost documentary's, you like them". Josie sat up with a huge smile in her face "Yeah let's do that, is that okay Hope?" Hope looked up At Josie Smiling "You don't even have to ask Jo, you know that we have sat and watched so many of them together". Josie smiled as she recalled the memory, before crawling out of bed and grabbing her laptop. "Okay so let's watch Most haunted". Both Finch and Hope nodded as Josie set it up.

Halfway through the third episode Josie was ranting about something and both Finch and Hope were sat smiling listening to her, she was cute when she ranted "seriously, half the witches those people burnt were innocent for God sake not evil". Once Josie had finished ranting Finch leaned in to kiss her "Your cute when you rant about stuff". Josie smiled as she turned to Hope who was currently staring at her lips. Josie took a breath as she saw Hope's eyes flash gold for a moment before vanishing. She then turned back to the screen the tension between her and Hope rising and all she could Hope was that Finch didn't pick up on it".

After a few more episodes Josie finally put the laptop down "Should we go for lunch?". Both the girls nodded as they all stood up, "Should we go out for lunch or eat here?". This time Hope spoke "Why don't we eat in the canteen, I'm sure Lizzie would love to see you". Josie smiled happily she was missing her sister and it would be nice to see her. The three girls made there was to the canteen, upon walking in The wolf pack suddenly looked up and straight towards Finch. Josie grabbed her hand as Raf walked over "Wolf, you should be in a pack". Josie looked at Raf warning "Back off Raf, you might be the Alpha but you can't have Finch. Raf looked at Josie smiling lightly "She a wolf Jo, whe won't survive alone here". Finch cleared her throat as she looked up at Rafael "I've done perfectly fine on my own thanks, now back off". Raf looked at her angrily "You don't call the shots around here commoner, I call the shots I'm the Alpha".

Finch laughed a little In Rafaels face angering him. "No offense, but I don't go to this school and I'm not part of your pack so what I say or do is none of your business". Raf looked at Hope who seemed amused by this exchange then at Josie who seemed to be getting irritated. Before finally turning his attention back to Finch "You've been marked wolf, you will submit or I will make you submit whether you go here or not". Josie had finally had enough and chanted a little causing Raf to fly backwards "threaten my girlfriend again and a rogue wolf will be the last of your problems". Finch Looked at Josie Impressed and Hope stood smirking, Finch thanked Josie and headed over to the line while Hope quickly grabbed Josies arm holding her back a little until there was a short distance between them and Finch "Would you have spelled me if I threatened your girlfriend?" Josie could see the smirk on Hope's face as she already knew the answer "you know the answer to that". Hope laughed a little as she walked towards the line followed by Josie.

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