P.E mishap

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Josie was finally on the field with everyone listening to the teacher speak. She wasn't a fan of sports, which was ironic considering that she was on her old schools football team, but she only did that for Lizzie.

Josie Looked over at Finch who had now Joined them and noticed that she seemed on edge almost like something was bugging her. Josie made a note to ask If she was okay after the lesson, if it wasn't a team lesson.

For a warm up the teacher had asked them to run 5 laps of the field. Josie hated running but took off when the teacher had told them to. About 3 laps in Josie was exhausted, as was almost everyone else. Josie looked around at everyone and spotted Finch, who was doing pretty well, she didn't even seem like she had broken a sweat. Josie was impressed but to busy looking at Finch to notice that there was a branch in her path, before Josie could steady herself she tripped over the branch landing on her ankle awkwardly. She sat up embarrassed hoping that no one had seen but of course Finch had.

Josie sat holding her ankle, she could usually use magic to help heal it and take the pain away a bit, but she had none considering she had put it all away. Josie tried to stand up but didn't seem able to put pressure on it. As she started falling again losing her balance she suddenly felt hands grip her and hold her up. Josie knew instantly who it was "thank you Finch, I don't think I can stand on it though". Just as Josie had finished explaining she was approached by the P.E teacher. "That was a nasty fall, are you alright". Josie once again explained that she was un able to stand up and the Teacher suggested she go to the medical room, with Finch.

On the way there Josie kept Limping causing Finch to jokingly mock her "look at you, all injured and stuff, anyone would think your fragile". Josie giggled putting her weight on Finch "I'm not fragile, I was on my school football team". Josie let go of Finch to try and walk on her own but still was un able to. Sighing she went to put her arm around Finch's shoulder again, but once she had Finch Lifted Josie off her feet without even flinching. Josie was surprised considering she was shorter but was amazed by how strong the girl seemed "Wow, your strong". This time it was Finch's turn to laugh, "your really light Jo it's nothing". Josie stayed in Finch's arms the entire way to the medical room, Once they reached them Finch sat Josie on the chair and explained to the nurse what was wrong.

A short while later after some painkillers and her ankle bandaged, Josie limped out of the nurses office. Finch had headed back to class but not after persistently bothering Josie to stay, Eventually Josie managed to convince her to leave though. It was almost the next lesson so Josie headed back to the changing rooms instead and changed out of her clothes before the other girls got back. Once she was finished she headed out the locker rooms and down to her English class. Josie was a bit early so stood outside the door waiting for everyone to finish.

The bell rung signalling next period and Everyone was leaving the classroom, once it was empty Josie walked in and introduced herself to the teacher, she then took her seat and waited for the class to fill up. It didn't take long for students to come flooding through the doors and take there seats to. Josie was minding her own Business when she saw someone sit next to her, looking up she saw the girl who had bumped shoulders with Finch in the hall yesterday. Josie smiled  awkwardly before looking around the classroom, It was more full up now, most of the students were here.

The teacher silenced everyone and began talking but math wasnt Josie's favourite subject so she just zoned out and started Day dreaming. Josie stayed like that all while the teacher spoke, until she was snapped out of it by something a strange feeling telling her to look at the door. Josie turned her head, looking through the glass window on the door, and saw Finch looking directly at her, but she looked angry. Josie smiled but she didn't get one back which was strange as Finch was usually very polite and kind to her. Josie then realized who she was sitting next to, and sighed internally of course, it was Finch's ex girlfriend.

After a few minutes Finch turned around and left, leaving Josie feeling slightly deflated. She hadn't even had a proper chance to get to know Finch yet but she was going to make some time after school as they had spoken about grabbing something to eat together at the mystic grill.

(Time skip)

Josie's last lesson had just finished and she was heading to her Locker to put her things away. Once she got there she was surprised to see Finch waiting for her. Josie smiled and walked up to her "Anyone would think you were waiting for me". She watched as Finch smiled "Then they would be thinking correctly". They both  laughed a little bit before Finch spoke again "So, The grill tonight? say about 6.30pm, I'll pick you up from the boarding school?". Josie smiled and Nodded "sounds great, Is there a dress code". Finch laughed a little bit before grinning mischievously "Something that makes you look hotter than you already do". Josie was speechless as Finch turned around and walked away leaving her outside her locker. 

Josie had finally arrived back at the Salvatore school. She walked up to the gates putting in the code, before heading inside and straight up to her room. Once she reached the door she opened it and walked in, No one was inside so Josie assumed that Lizzie was with MG. Smiling Josie threw her stuff on her bed and checked the time 4.50pm, Josie saw she had a little bit of time to spare but decided to use it to pick out an outfit, remembering what Finch had said to her.

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