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(Another short time skip)

Josie was laying In bed alone. Since becoming Alpha Finch had been spending a lot of time with the pack. Josie still saw her of course as she slept around hers every night, But she missed having Finch to herself. Josie was just laying there reading when there was a knock on her door. Josie couldn't be bothered to get up so she just called out "Who is it?" Josie smiled as she heard a voice answer "It's Hope, can I come in?" Josie smiled as she called for her to enter. Hope walked in closing the door behind her and making her way over to Josie's bed sitting down "Hey Jo, You okay? You haven't been yourself since finding out Finch is now a Alpha". Josie was quiet for a second before answering "I'm not okay Hope. I feel suffocated by her whole pack everywhere I go there is always a member or two and I know they are watching everything I do and Its like I can't get away from them and have no privacy, I hate it". 

Hope stood up taking her shoes off before climbing into bed next to Josie, She then muttered a spell that locked the door before pulling Josie into her. Josie put her head on Hope's chest and her arm over her waist and sighed "This feels nice". Hope smiled as she gently rubbed Josie's Shoulder with her hand "I'm glad". They laid cuddling for a while when Hope broke the Silence "Jo?" Josie lifted her head up to look at Hope but instead of Hope talking she caught Josie's lips with her own. Josie kissed back for a moment before pulling back and sitting up frustrated "Hope, you can't keep doing that. I'm with Finch". Hope frowned as she matched Josie's position "But I don't understand. The other week you kissed me back. You clearly still have feelings for me". Josie frowned as she took Hope's hand "I'm sorry Hope, I shouldn't have kissed you back. I'm sorry if I led you on". Hope let go of Josie's hand and stood up chanting to unlock the door. She then left without another word to Josie leaving her alone in her room.

Josie had decided to go and read out by the lake for a while. She was currently under a tree when she felt like something was watching her. Josie looked up spotting Raf just across the dock looking in her direction. Josie sighed as she called him over "It's ok. You can come over". Raf walked over and sat down next to her "Hey Jo". Josie smiled lightly at him "Hey, I'm assuming it's your turn to watch me". Raf shook his head surprising Josie "No, I just wanted some company. You were one of the first people who was nice to me when I started, I just wanted that familiarity". Josie smiled and nodded "Oh okay, So what do you want to do? or talk about?" Raf smiled as he laid down with his hands behind his head "Lets talk about you. You were there for me when I was struggling. So let me be there for you". Josie smiled and nodded before she laid on her side using her arm to prop her head up "How do you know I need someone to be there for me?" Raf smiled lightly "Two reasons. Reason one, I feel like we connected when we first met. And reason two, It's a full moon tonight so I can sense it". 

Josie smiled looking down at Raf "I should have known it had something to do with the full moon". Raf seemed surprised "You keep track of them?" Josie giggled a little bit "Of course I do, A lot of powerful spells can be cast on the night of a full moon. Plus I have a bad habit of falling for wolves". Raf grinned at that "What attracts you to wolves Jo?" Josie was quiet for a second "I don't know". Raf turned to look at Josie "Can I tell you why I think you like wolves?" Josie nodded intrigued at what Raf could say "I feel like your attracted to wolves for the comfort and protection they bring". Josie raised her eyebrow at Raf "Go on". Raf continued speaking "I feel like because wolves are such protective and possessive people you find comfort in that. You know a wolf would never stray from you. Take Finch for example, She's an Alpha. She has the pick of any girl in our pack. But she only wants you. She only sees you. As far as she's concerned If you was a wolf you would be an Alpha like her, And she would treat you as  such. And Take Hope for another example. Once again she's an Alpha, she may not have a pack but she still has a fair choice at people. And again all she wants is you". Josie looked surprised at Raf "How do you know Hope wants me? And I thought there could be only one alpha in a pack" Raf just smiled a little bit "She would be dumb not to. I was like her once, When you was with Landon. I wanted to be with you. Hope exhibits all the behaviour I used to when I was around you. I would get Jealous, Angry, Protective. If you remember we also kissed. As for only being one Alpha it really varies depending on the pack. If Finch being the current alpha, Was to say you are equal to her. Then we would have to treat you as such". 

Josie nodded "I remember, And that's pretty cool I guess". Josie and Raf laid talking for a while before it started getting dark "Oh shit, It's getting dark. When does the moon hit its apex?" Raf was quiet for a second "In about 2 hours". Josie nodded as she stood up "Best we get you back to the school then".  

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