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Josie was getting ready for the party, she had put her dress on and was Just doing her hair when her phone buzzed. Picking it up Josie smiled seeing a text from Finch

(text messages)

Finch: I miss you

Josie: I miss you to, can't wait to see you
Finch: Me neither

(end texts)

Josie Put her phone back down and Finished her hair before standing up and checking herself in the mirror. Once she was done she picked her phone back up checking the time. She still had about half hour before she had to meet Finch so she decided to head down to the canteen and get something to eat before she drunk tonight. Josie pulled out a bunch of stuff before making a sandwich, It wasn't a lot but it was better than drinking on a empty stomach. Once she had made her food Josie sat at the counter eating when she was approached by Hope. "Hey Jo, Hungry?" Josie looked at her smiling lightly "No, just eating so that I'm not drinking on an empty stomach.

Hope nodded as she sat down beside Josie "I hope that I didn't make you feel awkward earlier". Josie shook her head "no of course not". Hope smiled "that's good then, I'll be at the party tonight so maybe we can hang ou for a while". Josie nodded and smiled "I would like that". Hope stood up and hugged Josie before leaving her in peace to eat.

It was now time For Josie to meet Finch and she was excited. This would be the first party she was having with Finch. Josie excitedly hurried to the gates and it wasn't long before She spotted Finch walking up the road. Josie was in awe of the girl. She was wearing white tight skinny Jean's, a tight black top a leather jacket and some black boots. Her hair was curled tightly on one side while the other side was half braided. Josie felt her heart racing as Finch approached her "Jo?" Josie walked up to her meeting her the rest of the way "hey baby". Josie leaned in to kiss her but was stopped by Finch "How come you smell Like Hope?" Josie frowned "she gave me a hug earlier". Finch felt her eyes flash gold for a moment before she managed to calm herself "She shouldn't be touching you, be sure to warn her that or I will". Josie nodded and Finch leaned in kissing her "You look beautiful by the way". Josie smiled as she leaned her head back in giving her another swift kiss "You look beautiful to".

Finch and Josie headed into the woods and finally arrived at the party. Josie was instantly approached by Lizzie who was already stumbling "Jo, your here. Take this". Lizzie handed Josie a bottle of vodka and Josie raised it hesitantly before taking a sip. She scrunched her face up a little bit but offered Finch the bottle. Finch shook her head "No thank you Jo, I don't drink". Josie frowned a little but it was soon replaced with a smile when Lizzie grabbed her hand "Come dance". Josie grabbed Finch's hand as Lizzie dragged them over to the sea of dancing bodies.

Josie and Finch stood dancing with each other for a while, Every now and then Josie would bring the bottle up to her lips and take a swig before handing the bottle to Lizzie who would do the same. Eventually after a extraordinarily long time dancing Lizzie had the idea to play Truth or dare. Stumbling  over to a slightly emptied spot with Finch and Josie, Lizzie called out "Truth or Dare, who's playing". Immediately a group of people walked over. Finch could instantly sense that at least 2 of them were wolves. They all sat in a circle and Finch had opted out to watch over her drunk girlfriend and protect her. The need was extremely strong right now as her girl was currently not in a suitable condition. They each sat down in a circle. There was Kaleb, MG, Lizzie, Josie, Jade, Raf, Jed, Landon, Hope and Penelope.

Finch was on high alert as Hope, Penelope, Jade, Raf and Landon joined as they had all liked/still liked Josie. Lizzie began by Looking at MG "MG, I dare you to kiss Jade". MG compiled leaning in and kissing her clumsily, considering the fact they were all drunk with the exception of Hope. The game went on for about 1O minutes before Someone decided to dare Josie. Finch was Holding Josie's hand as Jade spoke "Jo, I dare you to kiss Raf". Josie looked at Finch who was staring at Jade and Raf with a death glare. Josie chose to forfeit which meant she had to loose a piece of her clothing that was the rule. So Josie removed her shoes putting them to the side. Finch was grateful that Josie had forfeited and that she had only removed her shoes.

The game continued for a while, Hope was sitting missing both her shoes and her socks, Lizzie was sitting missing her shoes and her shirt, most of the boys were now topless Jade was down to her underwear and Penelope was still fully clothed, she hadn't missed or forfeited a single dare. It was now back to Josie and Finch watched as Penelope spoke "Jojo, Truth or dare?" Josie frowned thinking for a moment "Truth". Penelope grinned as she spoke "is it true that you have a thing for wolves?" Josie was silent for a second but was now to drunk to make good decisions "Yes, It is". Finch smiled lightly considering she already knew this as she was a wolf and Josie liked her, but at the same time she was slightly interested more in the question, how many other wolves had Josie liked?

Finally the game had ended and everyone was heading back to dance. Lizzie and a now drunk Penelope pulled Josie up to her feet and away from Finch as they dragged her into the group of dancing students. Finch growled following them her need  to protect Josie over taking her. Pushing through everyone she finally spotted Josie dancing, but the thing that made her angry was the placement of Penelope and Raf's hands. Finch's eyes turned a glittering gold as she sprinted over grabbing Penelope and pushing her off. She then turned to Raf and grabbed him also throwing him off. She then picked Josie up bridal style as she began walking away. Finch finally reached the edge of the party when she heard a voice behind her "Is she drunk?" Finch turned around spotting Hope standing there "Yes why". Hope stepped forward "She will need you to look after her tomorrow, she doesn't do well when she's hung over. Also you should get her her favourite drink, she likes strawberry ribena and bring her her favourite breakfast to. She likes pancakes stacked with syrup and fruit". Finch nodded at Hope thanking her for her advice before she continued taking the semi conscious girl back to her room.

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