You broke her heart

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Hope sat and looked at Josie waiting for a response to her question. After a while Josie finally began speaking "Finch broke up with me". Hope looked at Josie surprised "Why did she leave you Jo?". Josie swallowed as she spoke "Because she thinks I'm in love with you. And she don't want me if I want you". Hope was surprised by Josie's answer and wasn't sure what to say so instead she settled on hugging Josie close.

Hope sat holding Josie for a while until Josie's door flew open revealing Lizzie. Lizzie walked in looking worried as she walked over to Josie "Jo, what's going on here? I've just seen Finch crying and you look like you have been to?" Josie looked at Lizzie and pulled away from Hope "Finch broke up with me".

Lizzie sat next to Josie and pulled her into a hug as she began comforting her sister. Hope just sat for a moment looking at how distraught Josie was before standing up. Hope exited the room but Josie had been to busy crying to notice. Once She was out the room she headed for a run outside. Walking over to the tree line, Hope stripped her clothes before she shifted. Hope ran for hours just thinking about how to help Josie and the only thing she could come up with was to try and get her and Finch back together.

Hope of course was heartbroken at the idea of getting them back together, but she couldn't think of another way to help her. Hope headed back towards the school and not long after she was shifting back. Hope got dressed and checked the time, it was lunch so she decided to head to the canteen for some food before going to find Finch and talk with her.

Hope entered the canteen and lined up getting her food. She then headed to her usual seat with Lizzie and Josie but on approaching she only noticed that Lizzie was there. Frowning Hope sat down opposite Lizzie "Wheres Josie?" Lizzie smiled sadly "She didn't want to eat. I keep telling her but she keeps refusing". Hope frowned as she looked around the canteen. Hope looked directly at the wolf pack and noticed Finch sitting silently as the wolves conversed around her.

Standing up, Hope excused herself from Lizzie before walking over to the wolves "Finch, can I have a word?" Finch looked at Hope in disapproval but stood up anyway "Sure". Hope walked over to the side of the canteen before speaking "Hey Finch, I know we don't get on, but you should talk to Josie. She loves you Finch and she Is heartbroken about you leaving her". Finch just laughed lightly as she spoke "Seriously? Your here telling me to get back with her but do you realise you are the reason we broke up?"

Hope looked at Finch angrily "How was I the reason?". Finch frowned as she spoke "its your fault because you knew she loved you yet you continued to keep seeing her. It messed with her head". Hope frowned and looked away "Look Finch, Don't get me wrong. I love Josie, but you make her happy and she deserves happiness more than anyone I know. If you just talk to her, maybe you can sort things out. She loves you". Finch frowned and sighed as she looked around the canteen "Where is she?" Hope frowned again as she answered "Shes in her room, shes refusing to eat".

Finch looked at Hope for a second before answering her "If I talk to Josie. And we sort things out like you want. I need you to do one thing". Hope nodded sadly knowing what was coming as Finch continued "Just keep your distance from her". Hope nodded and Finch smiled lightly "I'll go talk to her now, let me just go and tell the pack". Hope nodded and Finch retreated to her pack letting them know to meet her in the gym, before she headed out to talk to Josie.

Hope walked back over to the table where Lizzie was sitting, before taking her seat opposite her again. "What did you say to Finch?" Hope felt her heart constricting as she answered "I told her to get back with Josie. And in return I said I would stay away from her". Lizzie dropped her knife and fork surprised before speaking "Are you kidding me Hope? You have been in love with her since as long as I can remember. If you ever had a opportunity with Josie this would be it". Hope just frowned and looked away "No it wouldn't. I want Josie, but if right now Josie wants Finch that's fine. Like I said to you before. I will wait as long as it takes for Josie to want me back".

Lizzie frowned as she shook her head "Hope, Didn't you tell me Josie did want you back?" Hope shook her head "She said she thinks she loves me back. But I can't do anything with the fact she only thinks it. I need her to be sure". Lizzie nodded as she picked her knife and fork back up "That makes sense. But don't wait to long Hope. You might loose her completely if you do". Hope just frowned and nodded "I know".

Josie was laying on her bed when she heard a voice in her doorway "Jo?" Josie turned around seeing Finch standing there "Hi Finch". Finch walked in and walked over to Josie's bed sitting down "Are you okay?" Josie laughed lightly "What do you think?" Finch frowned as she answered Josie "Jo, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you". Josie looked at Finch feeling her heart breaking a little more "I know you didn't. And I'm sorry about everything with Hope. She's my best friend, and I know that I should have spoken to you about how I felt for her". Finch nodded as she took Josie's hand "Hope asked me to come and talk to you. She told me to get back with you". Josie was surprised to hear that Hope had spoken to Finch. But was even more surprised that she had told Finch to get back with her.

Josie looked at Finch confused "She did?" Finch nodded as she began speaking again "I know that earlier I left you. But that's because I felt threatened by Hope. I see how you are with each other. I know she loves you and I know you like her back. But If you  want, I would love to have you back. We can work through the stuff with Hope. But I need you to be sure about what you want, so just let me know when you have decided which one of us you truly want to be with". Josie nodded as Finch stood up leaving the room. Josie now had a decision to make.

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