What triggered your curse?

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Josie was explaining to her dad that Finch was a wolf, Which had helped relieve some of the tension in the office between them. Finch was now sitting in a chair across from Alaric's desk. Alaric knew that to become a wolf, Finch must have Killed someone. Considering the fact that she was dating his daughter, Alaric was instantly worried. Once Josie had finished explaining, Alaric turned to Finch. "Well I never thought that Josie would be dating a wolf. I just have a few questions though, Do you mind?" Finch shook her head and Josie sat on the side of her chair rubbing her back. She could tell Finch was nervous but she managed to reassure her that it would be okay.  

Alaric stood up and walked around his desk before standing in front of it and leaning up against it. "Okay, so I know that it's hard for some people to explain, but I need to know, what triggered your curse?". Finch went silent and looked at Josie who just looked down at her and smiled reassuringly "It's fine, you can tell him. I can leave if you would prefer". Finch grabbed Josie's hand and shook her head "no it's fine, don't worry, you would find out eventually anyway". Finch then turned and looked at Hope "Her however,-" Josie nodded and turned to Hope "Would you mind ?" Hope smiled at Josie then looked at Finch before replying "Anything for you Jo". Josie looked at Finch who looked Pissed, But she calmed down once Hope left. Finch turned to Alaric and began answering his question.

"It happened about a year ago, I had lost my temper with this girl in my class. She and her friends had been bullying me for years about my family, because we weren't perfect like there's. Anyway, she found out that my dad used to cheat on my mum and told everyone at the school. Then one night, her and her friends tried to jump me in an alley. I grabbed her and banged her head into the corner of a wall in self defence and I guess it was to hard. I never meant to hurt her, I was just trying to defend myself. I've never seen myself as a dangerous person and would never hurt someone intentionally". 

Once Finch had finished talking he nodded "Okay, that's all I needed to know. I know that this may be a difficult time for you but I think you stay here at this school. I think it would be the best place for you, see, Were not like other schools. This is a school for the super naturals, so wolves, Witches, Vampires, We even have a fairy and a phoenix". Josie stayed quiet while watching the interaction. Finch was looking at Alaric like he was on something then she turned to look at her. Josie smiled lightly but Finch's face stayed the same. After a few minutes of silence Finch spoke "I'm sorry, did you say Vampire's, Fairy's and witches? None of them things exist, Tell me your joking". Alaric shook his head then looked at Josie who nodded. She then turned to Finch.

"Okay, so I need you to not freak out". Finch nodded as Josie put her hand on Her shoulder and within a second it started glowing red. Finch looked up at Josie Surprised. Josie finally let go and then Smiled before chanting "Invisique". Almost Instantly Josie disappeared. Finch stood up looking around when Josie chanted something again then re-appeared behind her dad's desk. Finch was just standing looking at Josie who smiled. 

After some more silence from Finch she finally spoke "Okay, What are you?" Josie giggled a little bit walking up to her "I'm a witch". Finch still looked so confused but smiled at Josie "Okay, that's pretty cool, Why have you never shown me before?" This time it was Josie's turn to go quiet But Finch had shared her story so it was only Fair that Josie shared hers. Josie frowned a little "I'll tell you why in my room, That is if my dad will let you stay and hang out. They both turned and looked at Alaric who just stood there, He was silent for a minute as if he was thinking then he nodded "Yeah, It's Fine, Just keep her away from the wolves, Unless she wants to go here. You will have to explain that the pack will want her to join them". Josie nodded and Thanked her dad before grabbing Finch's hand and pulling her out of the office. 

Josie made her way up to her room, closely followed by Finch. Once they reached the door Josie opened it and walked in heading straight for her bed and sitting down. Finch Followed and sat down with her. "Today has been crazy, I woke up this morning thinking I was the only wolf and now there's a whole bunch of other thing's that I didn't even Know existed". Josie nodded and smiled "I know it's a lot to take in, But you will get used to it here, If you choose to stay". Finch looked around Josie's room "I'd love to, But If I transferred here, Would you transfer back to?" Josie looked away and  shook her head "No, I wouldn't. I miss it here sometimes for sure, I miss my sister, My dad, My friends. But this place isn't good for me anymore". Finch looked at Josie questioningly and Josie knew she wanted to know more. Taking a deep breath Josie began explaining.

"Last term, I got mixed up with someone who practiced black magic. They tricked me into doing a spell for them so I did. Obviously it didn't go well considering If I use black magic, it has repercussions. Anyway they said they had a magical artefact that could make those repercussions go away, so I started using it, and the more I used it, the more black magic I found I was able to do. It got to the point where I started practicing black magic all the time Until eventually I realised that it wasn't healthy for me. I stopped practicing it but all the black magic I had used, I stored in this artefact. The person who taught me how to use it however failed to mention that if this artefact broke, All the black magic stored in it would come back to me. As you can probably guess, The artefact broke. I became overwhelmed with Dark magic, I killed one of my class mates and tried to kill Hope and my sister". 

Josie had finished speaking and was looking at Finch for a response but instead of speaking Finch pulled Josie onto her lap. Josie was surprised but welcomed it anyway, she felt Finch hugging her tightly so she hugged back. After a few minutes of Hugging Finch pulled away looking up at Josie "I know that must have been hard for you to tell me, But I'm grateful you did. And I just want you to know that I don't Judge you for it. We have all made mistakes, but we will learn how to get through them together". Josie smiled looking down at Finch's face. She knew it hadn't been long But she knew that she was finally happy for a change.  

Finsie/Hosie: My WolfWhere stories live. Discover now