A bit about wolves

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Josie woke up from her nap and checked the time. It was about 3pm and Josie knew that she wasn't going to sleep now until late night/ Early morning. Josie could hear Finch in the other room and smiled before rolling over and grabbing her phone. She turned it on seeing a few Text's from Hope. Smiling again Josie opened the text's reading through them before answering.


Hope: I'm sorry about earlier Jo, I don't like the idea of her hurting you. Forgive me? xxx

Hope: Where are you? I came by your room with pancakes but you weren't there xxx

Hope: Jo, I need to talk to you, It's important. Can we meet for lunch or something? xxx

Josie: Hey Hope, I'm at Finch's tonight, Thanks for thinking about me though. And Of course I forgive you, Would you like to meet for lunch tomorrow? xxx

Hope: Oh, Of course your there tonight. I should have know. Sure I'll meet you at 1.15pm at the Salvatore school gates, Please don't be late. x

(End texts)

Josie was wondering what could be so important that Hope wanted to talk to her about it but she let the thought go as she climbed out of bed to go and Find her girlfriend. Josie walked down the short hall to the kitchen where Finch was cooking something. Josie lean up against the doorframe watching. Without even turning around Finch Spoke "Your awake sleepyhead, How is your neck?" Josie smiled as she walked over to Finch wrapping her hands around her waist "My neck is fine. In fact-". Josie leaned down leaving small kisses all over Finch's neck. Finch spun round In Josie's arms catching her lips in a kiss "Don't even think about it, I don't want to hurt you again. Besides, I just Made you pancakes considering we skipped lunch". Josie Pouted a little but Finch didn't budge instead she just raised her eyebrow looking at Josie. Josie sighed and turned around sitting down at the Table as Finch passed her a plate of pancakes.

Josie began eating as Finch turned around and began speaking again "So, are you going to teach me a bit about wolves?" Josie smiled as Finch now joined her with her own plate "What do you want to know?" Finch just smiled "Everything you know". Josie nodded as she began speaking "Well, You already know how the curse is activated. But did you know that even before you triggered your transformation you had traits of your wolf? They can manifest as anger issues, Control issues. Another sign can be over protectiveness and violent outbursts. Of course that is all magnified by the full moon". Finch nodded as she listened intently "That explains a lot". Josie smiled at her as she looked lost in thought for a moment "So, How about packs? can anyone be in a pack or is it specific people?" Josie thought for a second before talking again "Anyone can be in a pack. There are some very specific packs but anyone can be in a pack, As always there is one alpha though". Finch raised her eyebrow "Who's the Alpha at the Salvatore school?" Josie grinned a little "That would be Rafael and Hope. Both Alpha's from different packs". Finch Nodded her head a little "Oh right, so the boarding school has 2 packs?" Josie shook her head "No, Only one pack. That's Raf's pack. Hope hasn't got a pack anymore but because she's the last of a specific bloodline of wolves it makes her an alpha". Finch smiled understanding "That's pretty interesting". 

After a few more facts about wolves Josie decided that was enough of the wolf facts and asked if Finch wanted to watch a movie. Of course Finch agreed and told Josie to go and pick a film while she cleaned up. Josie was hesitant and wanted to Help but Finch wouldn't let her. Josie went into Finch's front room room and turned on the television before grabbing the remote and switching on Netflix. Josie looked outside and saw that it was Dark and smiled to herself. For some reason she couldn't help but think about the late nights she used to spend awake talking to Hope down at the lake. Almost As if on cue Josie heard a howl in the distance and smiled, She knew that it was Hope. Almost instantly after that though Finch walked in "did you hear that?" Josie smiled and nodded unconsciously "Yeah, It's Hope". Finch raised her eyebrow at Josie "How can you tell?" Josie just shrugged as she spoke "She used to run around with me on nights like this down at the lake, I would know her howl anywhere". Finch was frowning as She watched Josie who seemed off in her own little world smiling. Instead of saying something though she just turned around and went back to the kitchen irritated. 

Josie noticed the change of the atmosphere And stood up following Finch into the kitchen "What's up baby?" Finch turned looking at her a little annoyed "Nothing you just seemed to be deep in thought after talking about Hope. Was you thinking about her?" Josie nodded "Well yeah, but she's my friend so its fine". Finch just nodded and turned around to continue what she was doing when Josie came up behind her "Baby, you don't have to be Jealous, I don't want Hope anymore". Finch turned around coming face to face with Josie "Are you sure about that? because it seems she still wants you". Josie went to speak when they were interrupted by a knock at the door. Finch looked confused at Josie for a second before telling her to stay put and heading to the door. Josie did as Finch asked but still listened intently as Finch opened the door speaking to whoever was behind it "Hey, what do you want? and how the hell do you know where I live?"  

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