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Josie and Finch were laying on Josie's bed making out when they heard a knock at the door. giggling a little bit Josie pulled away from Finch and turned around "COME IN!" Josie sat up while Finch was still laying down. When the door opened revealing Hope, Finch Instantly sat up and stared at Hope "What do you want?" Josie looked at Hope who seemed annoyed "What the hell are you still doing here?" Finch stood up and smirked "Josie, is actually what I'm doing here". Josie's face turned red as she looked from Finch to Hope. Josie knew that Hope was protective over her as they were friends, so she wasn't surprised by Hope's stone cold expression and response. "You should watch what you say, she's not for your enjoyment, she's a person". 

Josie could tell that things were going to get messy so she stood up next to Finch "What did you want Hope?" Josie watched as Hope looked away from Finch and at her "I wanted to talk to you, Alone". Josie nodded then excused herself from Finch Gesturing for Hope to follow her. They both headed out the door then up the corridor a little bit before stopping. Josie turned facing Hope "So what's up?" Hope was quiet for a second and Josie noted her changed behaviour before she finally spoke "So, here's the thing, I don't like your girlfriend". Josie was quiet for a second then giggled "Well that's obvious, your not subtle about it. But why don't you like her? You don't know her". Josie was waiting for Hope to explain but was not expecting what came next "I don't like her because she has you, I guess I'm jealous. when you told me I wasn't exactly an option, I was surprised. If I knew you wanted me Jo, I would have dropped everything". 

Josie was silent unsure what to say. She had been into Hope for a long time before transferring but she had Finch now. Josie cleared her throat before speaking "I don't know how to feel about that exactly. Thank you for telling me though I appreciate it". Hope nodded and began walking away and Josie headed back to her room. Walking in she saw Finch laying on her bed. Josie smiled and walked over to her laying next to her "Hey". Finch turned on her side and grinned "Hey yourself, What did she want?" Josie sat up "Oh, She found out recently that I used to have a crush on her, and she was just telling me that she wasn't to sure on me and you. But I thanked her for talking to me about it". Josie could tell that Finch was annoyed so decided she would try and cheer her up. Josie rolled on top of Finch and grinned down at her, It took Finch by surprise but she wasn't going to complain, She wrapped her arms around Josie and leaned up, catching her lips in a soft kiss.

They laid kissing for a few minutes until it started to get heated, Josie took her top off and Finch did the same. They then continued kissing. Josie's hands began wandering down Finch's sides finding her bottoms. She looked at Finch who smiled at her and Josie took it as a sign to continue. Josie sat up sliding down Finch's body and removing Finch's bottoms Once she was done she stood up and removed hers. Josie climbed back on Finch and they continued kissing passionately until Finch pushed Josie off and hid them both under her duvet. Josie looked at Finch confused, when she heard a knock. Considering Finch was a wolf that meant that she had good hearing, not as good as a vampires but still good. She must have heard them coming. Josie rolled her eyes, this was the second time that they had been interrupted. 

Once again she shouted come in. This time Lizzie entered the room and rolled her eyes at Josie "Really Jo, you couldn't have put clothes on first, also who's the new girl? I don't remember showing her around school". Josie giggled before answering her sister "This is Finch, she's a wolf. Finch, this is my sister Lizzie". Finch smiled and waved slightly embarrassed at how she was meeting Josie's sister. Lizzie's face then fell into a shocked smile "Oh, this is the girl you was telling me about?" Josie nodded as her face turned red, she then looked next to her seeing Finch looking at her smirking "So you talk about me ayy?" Josie grinned back then looked at Lizzie "What did you want by the way? this is your room to so you didn't have to knock". Lizzie sat on her bed and smiled "Yeah I don't know why I did that. Anyway there's a party tonight down at the old mill. It starts at 7, I wanted you to come?" Josie was quiet a minute thinking then she looked up smiling at Lizzie "Sure. But only if Finch can come". Lizzie was quiet for a minute before nodding "Okay, she can come. Josie thanked Lizzie as she got up from her bed and headed out the door to go meet MG. 

Josie and Finch were left alone again and they both looked at each other then began laughing. "I think from now on, we have to stay at my place". Josie nodded agreeing "less interruptions that way". Josie leant over and kissed Finch before standing up. She then checked the time "Wow, is that the time already, we should start getting ready soon". Finch nodded and stood up throwing her clothes back on. She then walked over to Josie wrapping her hands around her waist "I'm going to get the bus home and get ready there, but meet me at the gate about 7.30pm okay?" Josie looked at her concerned "Are you going to be okay traveling alone? I know you body is still sore". Finch grinned at Josie "Considering what would have happened if Lizzie didn't walk in. I'm sure a bus journey will be nothing". Josie blushed then nodded "Fine, I'll meet you at 7.30 by the main gate". Finch smiled kissing Josie once more before leaving the room. 

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