I'll stay with her

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Hope approached the school and walked Josie inside. She took her straight to her room and noticed Lizzie wasn't there. Hope was a little grateful however as she didn't really want Lizzie to be worried. Hope laid Josie on her bed before standing up and going in the drawer where she knew Josie kept her pyjamas. Grabbing a set out she walked back over to Josie and Spoke "Jo, Love, I need you to sit up". Josie groaned as she sat herself up wobbling a little bit. Hope put the clothes on the bed next to Josie before grabbing her to steady her. Once Josie was a little steadier Hope Went to remove Josie's shirt when The bedroom door opened. Hope looked over to it and saw Finch walk in "What happened to staying away from her?" Hope sighed as she looked back at Josie who was now wobbling again "She told me she wants me in her life. I can't exactly leave it now can I?" Finch sighed as she walked up to Josie Holding her and steadying her "Here, Let me help".

Hope nodded and Removed Josie's shirt as Finch held her still. They both worked together to get Josie changed and into bed before looking at each other, Finch was first to speak "I'll stay with her tonight. You go back to your room". Hope looked at Josie then back at Finch "I'd rather be the one that stays". Finch rolled her eyes And went to argue when they both heard Josie from the bed "Both of you stay". Finch and Hope looked at each other again frowning, but neither of them could argue with Josie so instead they both answered "Okay, Jo. We will be right here". Josie smiled lightly at  them both "Thank you". 

Hope checked the time and saw it was late, Looking at Finch she decided to ask where they would be sleeping "So where are we sleeping?" Finch smiled lightly "I will sleep in with Josie, You can sleep in Lizzie's bed". Hope frowned but didn't want to argue so instead she just nodded "Okay sure". Finch nodded as she walked over to Josie's drawer opening it and grabbing some pyjamas She then headed into the bathroom and soon emerged changed. Hope looked at Finch and frowned "The aren't Josie's". Finch smiled as she climbed in bed behind Josie "no they are mine. I have my own clothes here. I was with her for a few months Hope". Hope just nodded "Yeah I know. Don't remind me". This time it was Hope's turn to go in the drawer but this time she went in the one next to where Josie kept her pyjamas "Wrong drawer, Her pyjamas are in the other one". Hope smirked a little as she pulled out some bottoms and a top "I know, But this is my drawer". Finch raised her eyebrow "You have your own drawer?" Hope nodded before turning and looking at Finch "Yeah, she used to bring me clothes when I Shifted and she came to find me". Hope could see the jealousy on Finch's face and couldn't help but feel slightly happy about it. Turning and grinning she headed into the bathroom to get changed. 

Hope returned from getting changed and saw Finch watching something on Josie's laptop while Josie was cuddled up to her. Hope felt her heart constrict but ignored the feeling as she got in Lizzie's bed, She then opened Netflix on her phone then turned to face the wall so she didn't have to watch Finch and Josie cuddling. 

Hope woke up to the sound of Finch talking, She stayed quiet as she listened to who she was talking to "Yeah, Hope brought her back last night and we both helped change her and put her to bed. I told Hope I would stay with her but you know what Hopes like. That's why she's in your bed". Hope then heard another voice and knew it to be Lizzie's "Oh right, Well is Josie okay?" Finch looked down at Josie then back up to Lizzie "She's good, She will be a little hungover but she will be okay". Hope turned around in Lizzie's bed and sat up "Good morning Lizzie. Finch". Lizzie sat on the bottom of her bed "Morning Hope. Thank you for bringing Josie back last night". Hope smiled and nodded "It's no problem really. Anything for Josie". Lizzie smiled and nodded.

Hope smiled and climbed out of Lizzie's bed "I'm going to go make Josie some breakfast, I doubt she will be up for going to the canteen, What's on the menu this morning?" Hope looked at Lizzie "Oh erm, Bacon pancakes, Croissants, Bacon and egg rolls or cereal". Hope sighed and nodded "Thought so, This is why Josie always skips breakfast on Saturdays. You  think your dad would change it considering she doesn't like bacon". Lizzie laughed a little "Hence the cereal and croissants". Hope just smiled lightly "I'll make her scrambled egg on toast". Lizzie smiled and nodded "Okay, I'm sure the kitchen staff won't mind". Hope smiled and shrugged "I don't care if they do". Hope began heading to the door when Finch spoke "Do you want a hand? Josie likes my cooking?" Hope frowned but reluctantly agreed "Sure". Finch smiled as she kissed Josie on the Forehead and climbed out of the bed. They then both made their ways downstairs to the kitchen.

Hope was the first in and headed over to grab the eggs while Finch grabbed the stuff to make them. Hope then handed Finch the eggs and grabbed some bread putting it the toaster before going to the fridge to get the butter then the drawer to get a knife. Once she acquired what she needed she walked over to the side to wait for Finch to do the eggs. Once the toast was doe Hope began buttering it when Finch spoke "You know you could have left her with me last night. She would have been fine". Hope continued what she was doing as she answered "Yeah will, I care about her so I wanted to be there". Finch snickered a little bit "You couldn't have cared about her that much if you ruined her relationship with me". Hope stood up straight her knuckles turning white as she gripped the knife and her eyes turning gold "Do you think its wise telling me that I don't care about the girl I love while I'm holding a knife?" Finch cleared her throat before shrugging then changing the subject "The eggs are done". Hope took a deep breath calming herself as she placed the plate next to Finch to dish up the eggs. Once it was done they both headed back up to Josie's room. 

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