Full moon at the Salvatore school

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Josie dropped her shopping bags on her bed. Lizzie wasn't there so Josie assumed she was out with MG again. Josie started Unpacking the clothes she had bought she heard a knock At the door. "Come in". Josie just finished putting her Tops away then turned around seeing Hope standing in her Bedroom. "Hey Jo, can we talk?" Josie walked over to her bed grabbing some more stuff to unpack "I have nothing to say to you Hope". Josie went to walk past Hope to put the rest of her stuff away when she felt Hope's hand grab her arm, "Jo, please". Josie rolled her eye's and sat down on her bed looking at Hope "Fine, talk, then leave". 

Josie always gave into Hope and she hated it but here she was, listening as Hope spoke to her "I'm worried about you Jo". Josie raised her eyebrow at Hope "Go on". Hope sat on Lizzie's bed opposite her "I know your mad at me for telling your dad that you was at Finch's last night. But you have to understand why. I know wolves, I'm one myself. They can be complicated, Possessive and sometimes even aggressive. I just want you to think about if that's the kind of relationship you want. I'm just worried that your going to get hurt. If something happened to you it would hurt everyone who loves you, including me". Josie was silent for a second feeling slightly more irritated than thankful for Hope's sudden concern. "Look Hope, I know that you,  Lizzie and my dad all think that I'm weak, But I'm not. I get that your worried about me, I usually keep to simple relationships, But I like Finch. And it's not like you were an option". Josie Immediately went quiet. There was silence in the room until Josie heard Hope speak "Jo, why did you think I wasn't an option?" Josie looked away hoping that the ground would swallow her, but instead all she felt was Hope's gaze. Josie finally managed to look up and speak "You had a boyfriend Hope, You had never show interest in anyone but him, let alone a girl, I wasn't going to wish for something that I knew would never happen, so I moved on". 

The air in the room felt thick after Josie's confession but it wasn't uncomfortable. Josie stood up and opened the door for Hope "I assume your done talking?" Josie stood at the door as Hope nodded, Just before leaving though Hope turned to Josie "I noticed earlier that Finch said she will be out all night, If you want the reason why, Check the moon cycle". Josie nodded as Hope left then shut the door behind her. So far this afternoon had not gone well for Josie, Not only had her father yelled at her for staying out all night at someones house he hadn't even met. But she had now told Hope that she used to be interested in her before she left for Mystic Falls high. 

Josie sat on her bed unsure what to do. She didn't want to call Lizzie as she was probably with MG, She couldn't speak to Hope now that she had confessed to Previously Liking her and Her father was mad at her. Josie Pulled her phone out and looked at the time. There was still a few hours before sunset so she rung Finch. Josie only had to wait a second before the phone was picked up. "Hello stranger, I didn't think you would call being you were busy with your friend". Josie could hear the sarcasm in Finch's voice and Laughed a little bit "You don't have to worry about Hope, she's far to straight to be interested in girls". Josie heard Finch Laugh and felt a little bit better about today. "That's what you think". 

Josie and Finch stayed talking for a bit until she had to go. Once they had finished on the phone Josie checked the time. Sun down was in 1 hour. Josie heard her dad calling down the halls telling the vampires to go to their bedrooms. Josie stood up and walked into the hall and over to her dad "Hey dad need any help with anything?" Josie stood as Alaric nodded "Yeah, go down to the wolf transition cells and makes sure that they are all secure". Josie nodded and headed down, Once she reached them she started checking the locks. She made sure that Jedd, Raf and the others were secure Making sure to double check the locks. There was one empty cell that Josie knew was for Hope, But considering Hope could control when she turned she never used it. Josie turned and began walking to her dads office when she was stopped by Hope But something seemed strange about her. 

Josie couldn't tell what it was but she wasn't sure how she felt about it. Josie Looked at Hope questioningly "Why did you stop me?". Josie was taken aback by Hope's next words "I want you to come lock me in downstairs". Josie was so confused "Why? You never shift in the cells during a full moon?" Josie was quiet waiting for a response. Finally after a while of waiting Hope finally answered "If I shift tonight outside, I know I will Hunt down Your girlfriend". Josie was silent for a while trying to Process what she had just heard. She couldn't seem to get her head around it so instead she gestured to the stairs and followed Hope down. Once they got Into the room Hope walked straight into the cell  standing in the centre of it as Josie shut the Door and locked it. Once she double checked that the locks were done tightly She smiled at Hope and left. 

Josie had gone back to her dads office and dropped the keys to the cells off for him and letting him know that she had checked the locks. Once she was done she headed back upstairs to her room. Walking in she saw Lizzie Laying on her bed. As soon as Josie had shut The door Lizzie grabbed Josie pulling her onto the bed with her. Tell me everything about what you and Finch did last night and spare no details. 

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