I think that you would be good together

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Hope followed Josie's scent all the way back to the Salvatore school building. But not to the entrance. Instead she had Traced the girls scent to the basement opening. Hope immediately began panicking. All the wolves except Finch were cmpletely out of control, If they were to get out they would rip the girl apart. Without thinking Hope ran down the stairs of the basement and Into the main room where she spotted Josie sitting. As soon as she entered all of the wolves began growling and snapping But Hope being an alpha Just looked at them, snapping back and they instantly retreted. Hope spotted Finch laying right up against the bars close to Josie almost protectivly. Hope walked over and Finch must have picked up on her scent as she stood up and began growling soon joined by the rest of her pack. Hope just ignored it as she looked at Josie and whined. Josie looked at her and smiled "Hope, What are you doing down here?" Hope just nudged her not bothered by Black wolf now slamming into the bars to get out. Josie looked at Finch then looked to Hope "Hope, did you come to see if I was safe?" Hope barked as she sat down next to her and Josie smiled "Thank you, I'm safe". Hope barked lightly again as she looked toward's Finch who was now standing watching them. 

Hope stared back at the wolf then turned her attention to Josie who looked tired. Hope layed down and pulled the back of Josie's shirt lightly try getting her to lay back on her, but Josie didn't. Hope was feeling frustrated at how Josie could act a certain way with her one moment then completely change the next. Still Hope didn't leave as she felt the need to protect Josie from the other wolves. 

Hope, Josie and Finch stayed together for the remainder of the night until about 2 am. After that Josie said goodnight to Finch as she stood up leaving the basement with Hope. Once they were out Josie told Hope that she was going to go to bed. Hope barked lightly and walked Josie to the door before waiting for her to go in. Once Hope was sure Josie was safely inside the Salvatore bording school, She turned and headed back into the woods. Hope knew the sun wouldn't start rising until around 4 am so she spent the last 2 hours as a wolf running around and hunting animals. Before finally returning the where she had shifted and shifted back getting dressed. 

Hope was tired and headed back to the school, Walking in the main doors she made a b-line straight for her bedroom. Walking in she quickly grabbed some pajama's before having a quick shower t was the dried mud and blood off of her from hunting. Once she was clean again she got changed and climbed into her bed. It didn't take her long to finally drift off to sleep. 

Josie woke up at 4 am, She knew that it was dawn so the wolve's would have changed back. Getting up she walked tiredly down to the cells in the basement and unlocked all the doors. She noticed that all the other wolves were asleep except Finch. Walking over Josie handed her a hoodie and some bottoms. Finch took them thanking her before putting them on. Once she was dressed she walked out of the cells with Josie quietly. They stayed silent the entire walk to Josie's room. Once they were in her room Josie could tell something was wrong "Finch, Is everything Okay?" Josie noticed Finch's hesitatin as she sat down "No Jo, It's not". Josie Frowned and went to take Finch's hand but Finch pulled away "What's wrong?" Finch looked at Josie sadly as she began speaking "Jo, Can I ask you something?" Josie nodded and Finch continued "Do you Love Hope?" Josie was silent for a second before answering "Yeah, she's my bestfriend". Finch cut Josie off "I mean Are you in love with her?" Josie once again fell silent and Finch Knew the answer to her question.

 Finch felt tears falling from her eyes as she spoke "Jo, Listen, If you Love Hope, Then you should be with her." Josie looked at Finch her own tears threatening to spill "What, No, I love you". Finch Stood up pacing Josie's floor "You can't love both of us Jo, I see the way you look at her. I see the way she looks at you. You both love each other. And it doesn't matter what You say It's clear you want to be together. I love you Jo, But I won't share you with someone else, I can't. I think you would both be good together." Josie stood up and tried to hug Finch but Finch pushed her off "Jo, Please don't. I can't do this. I can't love you while you love someone else. We can't be together". Josie went to speak but Finch left the room and with that Josie sat on her bed and began crying, Letting every ounce of her pain, and confusion, and feelings from the past month or so out. Josie laid down in her bed as she hugged her cushion and soon ended up crying herself back to sleep. 

Josie woke up to knocking at her door but ignored it. The knocking continued for a few minutes until the door opened. Almost immediately Josie heard a voice behind her "Why weren't you answering your door?" Josie turned around in her bed and her eyes fell on Hope. Hope looked at Josie, Her eye's were red and puffy, she looked exhausted and Hope's heart broke. Running over to the girls bed Hope didn't even hesitate before pulling her into her lap and cuddling her. Almost as soon as Hope had wrapped her arms around Josie, She heard her begin crying again. Hope didn't say anything and just held Josie for a while until the girl had finally stopped crying. Once Hope was sure she had stopped she pulled back from Josie A little talking to her "What happened Love?" 

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