You could claim her

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Hope entered the room carrying Josie's breakfast while Finch was carrying Josie's drink. Hope placed the plate on Josie's desk before sitting next to her and brushing some hair out of her eyes. "Hey, Jo. Wake up Love, I got you some breakfast". Josie stirred a little as she opened her eyes. She then shut them again almost instantly "Painkillers". Hope looked at Finch who was already in the drawer getting some out before walking over and sitting on the other side of the bed next to Josie "Here babe". Josie turned over and opened her Eyes sitting up a little bit as she took the painkillers and drink from Finch. She then took them and handed her drink back to Finch before looking at Hope "Thanks for bringing me some breakfast". Hope smiled as she stood up grabbing it and handing it to her "No problem Love". Finch looked at Hope angrily annoyed at the pet name that she kept calling Josie, But Hope was just as bad because every time Finch called Josie babe, Hope wanted to punch her in the face.

Josie sat eating her breakfast and talking to both Hope and Finch who were being civil with each other. They spoke about their plans for the day and stuff like that but tried to stay off the topic of relationships. Once Josie had finished eating she climbed out of bed and told Hope and Finch she was going to shower. Hope had offered to wait for her as did Finch but Josie had told them both to go and enjoy there day and that she would come and find them both later. Finch stood up and kissed Josie on the cheek before leaving then Hope did the same thing, the only difference being is she kissed Josie on the lips, And Josie let her. 

Hope left the room and headed back to hers, While Finch  headed to the gym to meet her pack. Finch walked in and saw Her pack relaxing over by the sides of the room. Finch walked over and the all turned their attention to her "Morning everyone". Everyone said morning to Finch and Finch asked if they wanted to play dodgeball. Every wolf nodded and Finch told them to go and get the balls. Once they were done they each split into two teams and began playing. Hope was sitting in her room reading, She was bored and just wanted to spend time with Josie. Hope tried concentrating on her book but found herself reading the same line over and over, Growling Hope threw her book across the room angry that she couldn't seem to focus on anything. Finally Hope decided she was going to go for a run, Standing up she headed out of her room and to the tree line of the woods. Hope then hid behind a bush and shifted before she began running, feeling her frustration slowly dissipating. 

It had been a few Hours  and Hope was still in the woods. She felt better now but wasn't quite ready to turn back. Hope was just minding her own business when she saw Finch with her pack at the mill, Hope walked a little closer but not to close to attract her attention before she crouched in a bush and began watching and listening as Finch spoke with everyone. The conversation was relatively boring, but then it shifted to Josie. "So what happened with you and Josette Saltzman?" Finch frowned as she answered the wolf "Hope Mikaelson happened". The wolf just nodded without talking further when Raf spoke "What did Hope do?" Finch looked at him "I don't know, she like got into Josie's head or something. I bet she used magic or something like that. She seems the type". Raf cleared his throat before speaking again "Hope is a lot of things but she would never do that to Josie". Finch looked at him and shrugged "If only there was a way I could keep Josie for myself". Raf was quiet for a second then Jed spoke "Why don't you just claim her?" Finch looked at Jed confused "Is that a wolf thing or something?" Jed nodded as he spoke "Yeah, Just seduce her. And while your sleeping together Bite down on her neck for about 5 minutes with your werewolf venom in your mouth. It will get in her bloodstream then no other wolves can touch her or go near her because she will basically belong to you. All the other wolves will be able to sense it and because your an Alpha they can't do anything about it". Finch raised her eyebrow then smirked "Now there's an idea". 

Hope was now on her way back to the school and had completely missed what Jed had told Finch, Shifting back Hope got dressed as she headed back into the Salvatore school and to the canteen. Walking in Hope saw Lizzie with MG and walked over to them both "Hey guys". Lizzie smiled as she stood up embracing Hope "Hey Hope, you okay?" Hope smiled and nodded as she sat down joining Then both "Yeah, Just went for a run". Hope sat and Conversed with MG and Lizzie for a while, Until they all decided to go for a walk. Standing up they all headed out the school and into the woods. Finch was currently on her way back to the school with her pack, Once she got back she told them all she was going to see Josie and would meet them later. They all nodded and headed to the gym and Finch made a b-line for Josie's room, Knocking she heard Josie call out "Come in" Finch walked in and her eyes flashed Gold as Josie just was stood by her desk in a tight little skirt and a half top. Finch smirked at Josie and walked over to her "You look good". Josie smiled at Finch noticing her eyes were bright Gold "You don't look to bad yourself". Finch walked a little closer and snaked her arm around Josie's waist, Josie felt her breath hitch a little as Finch then kissed her lightly on the neck before pulling back. Josie stared at Finch for a second brown eyes meeting gold and Josie couldn't resist it, Wolves were definitely her weakness. Leaning in she Locked lips with Finch, Who in turn Lifted her up and walked her over to the bed before laying her down and climbing on top of her. 

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