Loss of Control

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(Sexual content)

Josie and Finch were laying On Finch's sofa under a blanket. They were currently watching Merlin when Josie spoke up "I love Morgana, her character is rather interesting". Finch leaned down to Josie's ear whispering quietly "you better love me more". Josie felt chills run down her spine "Love? We haven't been together that long". Finch nodded as she spoke "Everything about me is heightened Jo, I'm a wolf, which means I already know that I love you. I don't expect you to say it back yet". Josie smiled as she turned to look at Finch "When I'm ready, I swear I'll always tell you". Finch smiled as she leaned down and kissed Josie. "Want to go to my room?" Josie grinned nodding "Yes". Finch got up then grabbed Josie's hand pulling her to the bedroom with her. Once they reached the room Finch guided Josie backwards towards the bed. The back of Josie's legs hit the frame and she fell backwards, smiling As Finch crawled on top of her. "Do you want to do this? I know we haven't been together long, But I can feel what you want. You just have to ask". Josie smiled as she looked into Finch's eyes "I want this. I want you". Finch stayed still looking into Josie's eyes searching for any uncertainty, but she found none. Smiling Finch sat up removing her top, Josie was quick to copy and soon they were both completely naked. Finch kissed every inch of Josie's body, Careful not to hurt the girl. She felt How Josie would arch her back when she kissed Just the right spot and How she would tangle her hands in her hair each time Finch would kiss her sweet spot. Being able to finally be like this with Josie made Finch feel Happy.

Josie switched places now on top of Finch as she began doing the same things Finch had previously done with her. But something didn't feel right, Finch seemed far to tense and Josie was feeling a little hesitant. Josie pulled away from Finch and Looked down at her "Are you okay? Your really tense". Finch just smiled lightly as she spoke "I guess my wolf just doesn't like not being in control". Josie nodded understandably and Climbed off Finch "Take control then. I don't want you to feel uncomfortable". Finch felt a strange feeling run through her body as she heard Josie's submission, It was almost as if the wolf inside her wanted to take over, but it wasn't even a full moon so that was impossible, or maybe not so much. Finch saw yellow seeping into her vision and before she could control it she climbed back on top of Josie kissing her passionately. Finch ran her hands up Josie's body grabbing both the girls hands and pinning them above Josie's head before once again passionately returning to kiss Josie's lips. It seemed like Finch was no longer in control of herself as her lips made her way to Josie's neck and she bit down but it wasn't gentle hickies this time. This time it was more like she was marking Josie as hers. Josie cried out and Finch could taste blood, she finally managed to re gain control of herself and pulled away she looked down at Josie's neck and saw where her teeth had pierced Josie's skin. Finch quickly pulled herself off of Josie grabbing her top off the floor and holding it against Josie's neck. "Jo, I'm so sorry I don't know what happened-" Finch was cut off as Josie sat up Finch still holding the top to her neck. "Baby, it's fine. I learned about this in class, It's just your wolf wanting to permanently mark me as yours, I must have made it happy". 

Finch was now clothed sitting next  to Josie confused as she was now cleaning Josie's wounds with some alcohol wipes. "So I'm not loosing control of being a wolf? and why do you talk about me being a wolf like its a completely separate person or thing?" Josie hissed a little at the sting of the alcohol wipe but continued speaking "Of course not, You can't loose control of your wolf until it's a full moon. Until then it's pretty much dormant. There is however certain traits as a human/wolf that you can still use or certain abilities that you have that normal humans won't have. And I speak about your wolf as if its a completely different thing because Technically, your wolf is completely different to you. During a full moon in your wolf form, you are not in control of yourself anymore unless you are a hybrid, from a very specific pack, you have a moonlight ring or you've changed a specific amount of times and have learned control yourself. The wolf completely takes over. You only cease to exist in the back of its mind".  

Finch frowned as she put a plaster over the girls neck "I didn't know this, I thought I was the only one until the last full moon". Josie leaned in kissing Finch "I think you should go to the Salvatore school. You will learn so much about yourself there". Finch pulled away from Josie a little "I don't want to go there without you". Josie was silent a second before smiling softly "Okay, Then I'll come back with you". Finch looked at Josie thankfully but shook her head "I know you don't want to go back yet, I won't make you just because I want you to". Josie smiled at Finch "How about, I teach you what I know about wolves, And you teach me whatever we were learning in science". Finch laughed a little as she leaned in kissing Josie "Okay, I think I can do that. So miss Saltzman, When are my lessons beginning?" Josie giggled a little as she laid down in Finch's bed getting comfortable "How about after a nap?" Finch smiled as she climbed in her bed next to Josie "Excellent Idea". 

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