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     I grinned letting my glare wander around the coldish cell I was trapped in. I had been there for months and it was getting really boring.

I glanced at the blonde Main Admin, who happened to be in charge of guarding me today. I had seen her many times, but there were also many others who were here often. Then there were some rare ones that barely visited the cell.

"Why you so sad?" I asked curiously making the blonde jump a bit.

She turned around to look at me. Her ocean blue eyes were kinda sad-ish. Something was on her mind, and it wasn't anything good.

"Why do you even care?" She asked coldly turning away from me. She clearly was avoiding eye-contact.

"Why are you assuming that I care?" I chuckled smirking. "But I can see from you that something isn't right and I've been here stuck for so long that I get curious really easily," I pointed out examining her reaction.

She hesitatedly turned to look at me and bit her lower lip. She didn't trust me, but there was something she wanted to say out loud.

"You're sister died a few months ago..." She whispered quietly, immediately looking away from me after meeting my eyes.

My expression didn't chance. I just raised my eyebrows a bit, "Well, that's interesting."

She turned to look at me in shock, "Your sister died and you're acting like it was nothing?!"

"I know my sister, and there's something I know she can do better than anyone else," I spoke calmly. "Puppeting magics."

"I don't believe you," The blonde spat. She clearly felt disgusted about my reaction.

"I've know her for her whole life. I might be heartless, but she's the only one I've ever loved," I spoke keeping my voice calm as she glared at me with her soul-piercing glare.

"I still don't believe you! You never seemed to care for her and you didn't show any kind of sadness or emotions when I said she was dead!" The blonde spat looking at me with disgust.

"I know she isn't an idiot. She has an extra card in her sleeve, she always does," I said calmly, tilting my head a bit.

"Don't do anything stupid, I'll be right back," She growled and quickly turned on her heels walking to the door and soon her footsteps echoed through the room as she ran up the stairs.

"There isn't really anything I can do anyway..." I sighed glaring at the iron bars that separated me from the rest of the world.

Well, at least I could finally understand how Sherenidy felt when she was stuck in the Watchers' prison after the whole incident with our server.

     Around half an hour later the blonde came back. Now she had taken the 2nd in command, Mao, with her.

"You said something 'bout your sister," He groaned glaring at me. It was clear they didn't like me.

I tilted my head, "I know you can't get rid of her so easily! Trust me, I've tried!" I groaned.

"You mentioned something about puppeting magics, but I know for a fact that she can't do those," The brunette continued pointing fingers.

"That isn't true because she is one of the best at it! What level tricks have you seen her try?" I asked curiously. I had seen her do it so I knew she was capable of doing it.

"The very basics. Put a hand on someone's shoulder and try to get the control, she failed," He explained still glaring at me.

"Well, that explains it!" I giggled. "She is shit when it comes to the easiest tricks! She can only do the hardest ones," I explained smirking.

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