[No one]

     A short haired blonde female Watcher was crying on taller black haired Watcher's chest. The taller tried to calm her down, but she was sobbing furiously. He didn't even know what had happened.

"||ᒷリ, what happened?" He asked softly.

He had walked to the room just to find his sister crying on the floor next to a closed resting space.

" ̇/- ̇/ᒷꖎ... H-he..." Yenny sobbed.

"What happened to him?" The male asked worriedly. He tried to keep as calm as possible.

"H-he b-broke... He was brought here by his friends... H-he l-looked so broken a-and his eyes were dull.. He h-had c-cut his wrist o-open and c-couldn't understand English at a-all.." Yenny managed to ramble before breaking into more tears.

"What...?" The taller felt his heart broke.

He wrapped his arms tighter around his younger sister. He felt horrible knowing that their older brother wasn't alright.

"𝙹ꖎ╎? ||ᒷリ? What happened?" A worried blonde Watcher hurried to his younger siblings.

" ̇/- ̇/ᒷꖎ..." Yenny sobbed and buried her face deeper in her brother's cloak.

"Is he alright..?" The blonde asked crouching down next to the duo.

"H-he broke.. C-cut his wrist... Had a panic attack a-and didn't understand English.. H-he looked so empty..." Yenny cried.

"Do you know what happened to him..?" The blonde whispered.

"I-I don't... His friends brought him h-here..." Yenny mumbled. She felt terrible.

"Where's he now?" The blonde inquired carefully. He was know as one of the calmest in The Council, but his voice was clearly a bit shaky.

"T-there," Yenny pointed at the resting space behind her.

"Can you go check him or do I go get
⍑ᔑ||ꖎ╎ᒷ?" The blonde asked taking the situation under his control.

"I'll go.." Yenny nodded and carefully stood up.

The blonde took her hand and she turned to look at her. He looked worried.

"Are you sure you can do it.?" He asked worriedly.

"I have to stay strong, otherwise it'll just hurt more. Don't worry ᓵ⍑ᒷℸ," She smiled sorrowfully, but softly while placing her hand on his shoulder.

Chet nodded. He trusted his sister's words.

"Make sure he's alright," Oskari whispered.

Yenny nodded before gracefully sneaking to the resting space without opening the curtains more than needed so people wouldn't see inside.

[No one]

"Why the fuck am I here looking for someone's body?" A certain hooded person groaned as they walked through the cold castle.

They had spent hours just looking for a body that maybe even wasn't in the castle. They were slowly getting frustrated.

They kept peeking into every single room. The castle was full of Watchers' bodies, but they didn't seem to find the right one.

"How fucking hard can it be?" They muttered peeking into another room.

They were about to turn around, but something catched their eye. They walked to the room and looked at the table. There was a picture of someone, a young looking female. Her eyes were purple and hair dirty blond-ish.

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