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[No one]

Everyone turned around in shock as a dirty blonde Watcher in dark purple cloak walked through the Nether Portal to the Portal Hub. He was carrying someone wrapped in dark blue cloak. Behind him walked a dirty blonde admin in light red cloak. The admin was almost carrying a weak looking lavender haired Watcher in dark red cloak.

Everyone looked at the group with terrified faces. They all knew that one of the Lead Watchers had fallen. They couldn't see the body, but they all knew that The Council would be broken after losing another sibling.

Now they had lost, The Main Admin Mindstorm, The Main Watcher Zenith, The Main Admin Quinn, The Lead Watcher Peyton, The Main Admin Irwin, The Main Sherenidy and now The Lead Watcher Leslie. That means eight of the Originals have died, but almost no one remembers that The Lead Watcher Cade existed.

Amorn Mindstorm Razor, 24 years old male admin from the Twilight Forest. Xakey Zenith Tombend, 25 years old male Watcher from the End. Qinyll Quinn Crimson, 21 years old female admin from the End. Zion Peyton Snow, 24 years old male Watcher from the End. Dylan Cade Soulton, 33 years old male Watcher from the End. Ivadel Irwin Interfector, 20 years old male admin from the Overworld. Sherenidy Cassia Blackwood, 15 years old female admin and Watcher from the Original Nether. And Levana Leslie Lakewind, 19 years old female Watcher from the Original Nether.

The group made their way to the HQ. Reed and Ned were the first Council members who saw them. They both ran to the group and looked at their fallen sister with teary eyes. The Council members were able to sense who was wrapped in the cloak.

Yenny peeked from the medical center and froze as she saw the scene. She screamed for Haylie and ran to Topaz. Her covered eyes were full of tears as she looked at the covered female.

Haylie ran from the medical center and saw the scene. She stared at them for a second before hurrying to Topaz and Yenny. Seeing her sister wrapped in a cloak was really painful and it hurt everyone.

Reed and Ned looked at Xelqua and he nodded to them. The duo started immediately asking players to leave the lobby and public library to give The Council some privacy.

Yenny and Dream helped Topaz to the medical center. Haylie placed her hand on the Main Watcher's shoulder as they silently stood in the middle of the lobby.

The second floors door opened and a group of five, Kasen, Edita, Van, Dexter and Caton, entered the lobby. They all froze as they saw the scene.

Soon the whole Council knew about Leslie's loss. Everyone was shocked to hear the story how she had been forced to betray them.

Now they were standing by her grave. Xelqua had buried his face into Xenex's chest, he never did well with funerals and this time he had been the one to place the fallen sister in the grave.

Everyone was broken, but they had each other to comfort them. Winslow was hurting a lot after losing his best friend, who he had known since they were children.

He had Chet, Quinn's closest sibling, and Mao, Sherenidy's closest sibling, by his side to comfort him.

Dream was the only Council member who wasn't an original member, who was with them. Next to him were Tubbo, Niki and Ranboo, who had been allowed to come too because they were currently involved with The Council.

Behind everyone were Aphmau, Sly, Katz, Alex and Castor. They were all standing there silently with pity in their eyes. They didn't like seeing people die. They liked seeing people safe, not in grave. The Few was supposed to help and protect everyone.


My eyes ran across the walls around 1000th time. It was all I had done for the past 5 minutes. I didn't have anything else to do in the prison. I had asked if I could have some magical items, but no one had agreed.

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