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[No one]

     "Thank you for coming to help us out," The Main Leader nodded to the group standing in front of him.

"We are the Few, we help people in need of help. It's our pleasure to help you," The leader of the group, Lady Thor, Aphmau, spoke formally.

"You have some information about Sam, am I right?" Alden asked tilting his head a bit.

"Jess knows about that dude a lot," Iron Man's son, Sly, pointed out earning death-stares from Aphmau, Katz, Alex and Jose.

Steven and Castor didn't seem to give a shit about the important conversation and just had a staring contest in the corner.

"Yes.." Aphmau gritted her teeth and gave Sly one more deadly stare before turning to look back at Alden. "I knew him, we used to be friends, but I got sacrificed. I noticed that he had however changed and started following what he was doing," She explained politically, but her voice had a strong, clod tone.

"If you don't mind me asking, who exactly sacrificed you?" Alden tried to keep his poker-face even though it sounded hilarious.

"I think you know him by the name Xelqua," Aphmau grinned, but laughed afterwards. Looking back, the event had been pretty hilarious and definitely not something you experience every day.

"Well, that's not something I was expecting, but alright," Alden shrugged. "Anyway, we have someone locked in the basement, who knows a lot about Jean," His voice turned serious.

"Why are they in the basement?" Jose inquired.

"Oh, she worked with our enemy and has a long list of lives she has taken without an actually good reason, but she has information we need and she's definitely willing to help because otherwise she'll die," Alden explained.

"You're threatening her?" Katz asked carefully.

"Not exactly, she just wants out so badly that she would rather die than stay alone there," Alden answered.

"How can you trust her?" Sly inquired.

"She might be an enemy, but now we have a really dangerous enemy together and she wants to get rid of it, even if she had to work with us, but she knows what can happen if we don't get rid of it," Alden explained.

"Can we go meet her?" Aphmau asked.

"Take someone with us and be careful," Alden nodded.


     I slowly opened my eyes to see a white resting space and Yenny sitting next to the bed I was laying on.

"What happened..?" I asked carefully and realized how raspy I sound.

Yenny's eyes snapped to me and her face turned to relieve.

"Thank gosh you're okay! I was so worried when you didn't wake up!" She exclaimed and softly wrapped her arms around me leaning over my bed.

"Oh.. Did something bad happen..?" I asked nervously. I didn't exactly remember what had happened.

"You're friends brought you here after you had had a bad panic attack and lost the ability to speak English. You also cut your wrist open.." She whispered the last part softly, but her voice was full of pain.

I began remembering what had happened and gritted my teeth. I definitely hadn't wanted to remember everything that I had done. It felt so bad to remember.

"We have to keep you here a few days to because you really exhausted yourself with the panicking and we want to make sure you're alright," Yenny spoke and gently placed her hand on top of mine.

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