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[No one]

      The group finally arrive to the HQ and Xelqua led his family to his room. As he opened the door, he noticed Sherenidy in the corner of his eye. She was leaning again the living rooms doorframe.

"You two can stay here. Make yourself at home, I'll have to go take care of something really quick," He explained and earned an acceptive nod from his sister.

Xelqua closed the door behind them and turned to look at Sherenidy, who began leading him toward the North-East side of the building. The work rooms were there. In the South-East were the Leads' room, North-West was full of storage rooms and South-West had the small rooms of the Rookies'. The Mains' rooms, the office and such were on the hallway that was right after the main doors.

     Sherenidy showed the 'Watcher Magics' rooms door open and stepped in. Xelqua followed her and closed the door behind them.

"So, you're back..?" Xelqua assumed quietly.

"Well, I'm not exactly alive. I'm just a Lost Soul possessing my own broken body," Sherenidy grinned and leaned against one of the tables in the room.

"You're the 3rd in command now," Xelqua reminded. He was actually more than happy to give the title back to his mentor.

"Well, the rules are rules," She shrugged, knowing that couldn't be changed. "I don't know how long I can stay, but 'till I die again, I'm gonna take care of my work," She continued.

"You have a plan against... Him..?" Xelqua asked quietly, biting hi lower lip.

"Yes, but I can't promise that it will work.. Zanax has a lot of important information that'll help us, but we still don't have enough information because some of it is outdated. No one has really done anything like this in centuries," Sherenidy admitted sighing and crossing her arms, which lead to her left arm falling on the floor, "Fucking shit!" She exclaimed and picked up the fallen limb.

"Looks like you gotta go see ↸ᒷ ̇/||," Xelqua innocently pointed out and earned a hidden death-stare from the younger.

"Fucking amazing.." The younger groaned as he made their way out of her work room to go find the groups mechanic.

Xelqua followed after her, but continued walking past her as she stopped by Dexter's work room. He made his way all the way back to the main hallway to go find Upton because he needed a place to stay for the night. He would have gone back to Hermitcraft, but he couldn't since they were in the middle of a mission to stop Sam.

     "So, you gave your room to your biological sister and her son and now you need a room to stay in?" Upton repeated and looked at his brother.

"Yeah, you let be sleep on your floor, don't you?" Xelqua added.

"Of course! I need friends anyways," Upton grinned.

"Great, because I really don't want to sleep on the living rooms couch," Xelqua mentioned.

"I've slept there for fun and so have many others," Upton laughed. "Some mornings when you go there, you'll just find someone sleeping on the couch without a real reason," He added.

"I've seen that, but never tested it out myself," Xelqua shrugged. He really wasn't feeling for sleeping on the couch.

"Did you two finish the report?" Alden's voice came from the library's door, making both of the Mains turn around.

"We did," Xelqua nodded and handed he reports to the Main Leader.

"Btw, have you ever slept on the living rooms couch for fun?" Upton inquired.

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