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[No one]

     Xelqua watched as Xenex aimed his bow hitting one of the targets on the other side of the bowing room.

"That was a good shot," The dirty blonde admitted as the armored male lowered his bow to examine where his arrow had landed.

"I wouldn't call that really good," He grinned and turned to look at the dirty blonde. "It went too far from the middle," He continued and pointed at the arrow that was about 2 millimeters away from the bullseye of the target.

Xelqua rolled his eyes. He knew that Xenex wanted to hit the exact right spot because in a fight you couldn't afford missing by 2 millimeters, but he still thought Xenex should be happy about the fact that it was almost where it was supposed to.

"Aren't you in a war again btw?" Xenex inquired as he prepared to aim the next shot to an empty target block.

"Yeeeah," Grian chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck. He had managed to start a new war against Scar about grass and mycelium.

"I'm not gonna lie to you, but I think a war isn't a good idea right now because of everything that's going on with The Council. I don't believe that you have enough time for everything," Xenex sighed grinning. He hated admitting it out loud, but he really didn't want to lie to his brother.

"I understand what you're after, but I already started it and there's no coming back. Plus, I think the Hermits are starting to get suspicious about me so I had to do something to prove them that everything is fine and I'm fine," Grian explained and watched Xenex aim his bow towards the targets again.

After letting go of his arrow and watching it hit the target, Xenex turned back to face Grian again. He sighed, "I can't stop you from doing it and I won't even try, but remember that I warned you about this."

"Yes, I'll remember this conversation."

"Just don't let it make you forget what we're dealing with right now with The Council."

"Don't worry, I won't. I know what I'm doing and I won't let anyone down."

"I have a feeling that you're promising too much, but I won't judge you since it's your choice, not mine."

"I-" Grian began, but the door opener cutting him off. They both turned around to see Caton.

'Jaylee is looking for you Xenex.' Caton signed with the sign language. He had lost his ability to speak months ago and was no using different body languages to communicate with his siblings, who all understood him without any problems.

"I'll be in 5," Xenex answered quickly and placed the bow back to the holder on the wall next to the shooting points.

'5 what? Seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years?' Caton signed rolling his eyes. He wanted a clearer answer from the older male.

"I dunno, maybe 5 minutes," Xenex grinned and turned around to face Xelqua once more before leaving with Caton to go see Jaylee.

Xelqua watched as the duo left the room and shut the door behind them. He turned to look at the bows and carefully bit his lower lip. He hadn't really done archery in years, not after he had finished the Watchers' Academy. Would he still do fine with it? He didn't know.

'Wanna try out?' Xavier sounded kinda interested about it too. Maybe they should try it out.

"Sure," Xelqua agreed out loud and went to pick up a bow from the holder.

He stepped to the shoitibg spot and carefully aimed the bow towards the target. He felt Xavier right by him, they were in control together and their eyes began slowly turning red under the Watcher's mask. Their horns began growing back to show everyone that they were now Xelvier instead of Xelqua or Xavier.

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