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I had to admit that I was really afraid. I had no idea what was waiting for us in the small castle Sam had.

We were almost there. The whole atmosphere was really quiet and nervous. Non of us really knew what to expect.

"Keep in mind that our siblings are already there, facing their own opponents," Mao reminded.

Then we saw it.

The fight seemed bad, even the backups had been called in already. I felt horrible.

Sherenidy hesitated. I saw how she looked at the fight against Jean and the army.

I placed my hand on her shoulder, she didn't flinch, just turned to look at me. I knew exactly what she wanted to do.

"We have Pearl with us now, you can go," I whispered to her.

She turned to smile at me, sadly. We both knew this could be our goodbye.

"See you on the other side!" She saluted.

"'Till we meet again!" I smiled sadly and saluted back.

(Hamilton reference)

We all watched as she turned around and began running towards the battlefield.

"We have to keep going.." Mao hummed quietly and everyone nodded. We didn't really have time to just stand around.

     We were blindly running around the castle. We had no idea where Sam was, other than the fact that he was somewhere inside the castle.

"Remember to be careful, we don't know if he has traps," Mao warned.

I was about to answer him, but my whole vision flashed red. I felt my eyes literally burning.

" ̇/ᒷꖎ?" I faintly heard Mao call out my name.

Then I felt Xavier closer than ever. I felt his soul literally melting into mine. Raising my hand to touch my face, I realized my eyes were bleeding.

"What's happening?" Aphmau asked. I barely heard her voice and some other mumbles.

I ignored the voices. I could have sworn that I felt Xavier's hand again mine. He was so close, I knew he wanted the control. I knew this was a part of the deal that I wasn't aware of.

'Let me help you,' His voice rang through my, no our, head.

I just nodded. I knew there was no way for me to say no. This body wasn't mine anymore, it was ours. Grian Xelqua Charles and Thanatos Xavier Weston, were both dead. They were now Xelvier.


     We turned to face Mao again. He knew our secret. He knew who we were, he had seen us in action.

"We have to go find Sam now," We groaned. Our voice sounded like Xelqua's.

Our eyes were bleeding, but Mao had whipped them and places our Watcher mask on to hide it from the others.

We turned around to look at the others, they didn't notice the difference between Xelqua and us, which was perfect.

"Yeah, let's keep going!" Mao nodded and began leading us through the building.

We looked at Tommy, he seemed a bit suspicious about us, but didn't say anything. We wouldn't even be surprised if he knew we weren't Xelqua anymore. The boy had powers from his mother that were similar to Xelqua's. He had probably sensed something chance.

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