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     Mao, Chet and Jaylee froze, Dream looked a bit uneasy, Tubbo, Niki, Ranboo, Sly and Katz looked confused.

The Council knew, mostly. Dream had probably heard the name, but wasn't exactly sure what he had done. Meanwhile Mao, Chet and Jaylee knew exactly what had happened.

"Who is he?" Sly was the first one to speak.

"Sam is basically a bitch, who went crazy. He murdered the whole school and became a Watcher. As a Watcher he killed a whole server. He died and got summoned back by the old 3rd in command, who did a suicide. Now he's dead and has found a hole in the system, which allows him to control the Ender dragon," Aphmau tried her best to explain, but the situation was pretty complicated.

"Basically he's nothing good and has powers that can be dangerous?" Katz inquired.

"Can be dangerous, is a bit wrong. I would say that they are dangerous," Taurtis gritted his teeth.

"If he's able to get here, doesn't it mean the others are too?" Chet tilted his head.

"Not exactly," Aphmau shook her head. "He has knowledge that most of the people don't," She explained.

'He learnt to use his deal for his own good. He is basically unstoppable right now. Defeating him isn't going to be easy.' Xavier spoke inside our head.

'What do you mean?'

'He might use the dead souls to create weapons that can easily cause permanent deaths. Only way to stop him from that is by summoning help from the dead Watchers, who lived here centuries ago. Their history has answers.'

'How can we get those answers.?'

'Someone has to talk to them in the demon language.'

'I don't think any of us speaks that..'

'Earlier I tried to contact someone dead, but I wasn't able to find them. I'm assuming that they're already contacting the Watchers in an old castle.'

'Is that why you were gone..?'



'Calm down, calm down! I did it for everyone's safety. I thought I'd be back before you woke up, but I got caught talking to someone.'


'The old 2nd in command, Amorn Mindstorm Razor.'

'Stormy?! You spoke to him?!'

'Yes. He said that Sam wants to open a gate between the dead and the alive. That would mean that everyone who has died would be able to come back, but that isn't good.'

'It would be a disaster and the whole world code would crash...'

'Exactly, he wants to destroy everyone..'

'How does he even have a power to do that?'

'The best guess, and probably the right answer, is that he stole some God's power somehow...'

'That doesn't sound good..'

'Mindstorm assumed that it was an old Watcher God from centuries ago, but it might also be wrong. He said that Shen however had an another idea. She went to find out if her guess is right.'

'Did Stormy mention who she had in mind?'

'No. Apparently she hadn't mentioned.'

'Do you have someone in mind?'

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